Eggs On Toast

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Charlie sat and watched as Saffron moved around the kitchen easily. Flicking her wand when necessary to mix the soup or flip the eggs.

She was wonderful.

He had never felt this way about any other girl before.

Sure he'd had a girlfriend here and there, but none of them made him feel like he did around Saffron. He felt happy, and that there was nothing that could take away this happiness. A light in the dark times that were surrounding them.

But he could still feel her walls up. And he felt that if he got too close he would bash right into them. He knew that there wasn’t much about Saffron he knew about. Only that she was a half blood and that she liked working with dragons like he did. Oh and she could speak French.

But what else?

He found himself daily wondering about her scar and wondering about how she got it. It constantly played around in his mind.

He had figured out by now that she was ashamed of this mark, and didn’t want to acknowledge it and he was prepared to wait until she was ready.

He would wait. He would get to know her.

Saffron on the other hand was trying so hard to think the opposite.

Sure Charlie made her feel different. He made her feel special, just by the way he looked at her. Not even her last boyfriend had done that. She knew that she felt something for Charlie but she didn’t want to. She believed that it would only cause her sadness and heartbreak. She didn’t want to be hurt again, she didn’t want the pain of never being good enough.

She was embarrassed by the wretched mark on her face. The destruction of what once was a beautiful face was now ugly and marked.

Fleur had always reassured her that she still thought she was beautiful and that anyone who knew her would. And that the one who loved her most wouldn't care about the scar on her face. That he would see the beauty within.

Charlie wasn't the one though, she thought. She noticed the way he would look at her face when he thought she wasn’t looking. She knew he was looking at the scar and she was mortified. For once she would like to meet someone new that didn't care about it.

Her mind kept replaying back to the previous night when she had met Charlie in the hallway after her shower. The way he was so close. She could smell his scent- peppermint and summer days- she could feel his body warmth and it had been a long time since she was that close to another male. She couldn't forget the way he leant down, the way his hand reached up-

But she had backed away. Scared and fearful of his reaction. Had he been himself at the time? Or had the drugs she had given his scar affected him. They had been known to do that.

Charlie too was thinking of last night. He had never felt that comfortable being that close to someone. Not even his family or the dragons had given him that feeling Saffron had. Like she was always calm, cool and collected.

Charlie was embarrassed at his actions though. He was embarrassed at how quickly she had backed off and gone to bed. He felt he was getting mixed signals. Like that she wanted to be with him but as soon as they got somewhat close she couldn't stand him.

It wasn't exactly like that though. Saffron was just being very careful. But the tingling and the shocks of electricity weren't something to be completely ignored, and Saffron couldn't help thinking about Charlie as she went to sleep that night, dreaming of dreams that she was sure would never be true.

Saffron flipped the eggs onto some toast and added a knife and fork before pushing a plate towards Charlie.

"Bon appetite," she smiled and Charlie chuckled.

"Thanks. Looks delicious," he smiled making her blush.

She called out Ginny and the ginger haired girl came out of her room. Ginny may have had a calm look on her face, Saffron could easily see the worry, the tenseness, the fear. She was worried about Harry, Saffron new this. She also new that she loved him and that when someone you love leaves and you have no idea where to, that can be a painful experience for anyone.

"This looks great. Thanks Saffron," Ginny smiled. Saffron nodded a thanks, she was in awe of this young girls strength. Despite what was going on she was still smiling and grateful for what she had.

Saffron scooped the soup into a bowl and carefully blew on it. She had one egg on a piece of toast and ate it quite quickly as the soup cooled down for Molly.

The kitchen was silent and all that could be heard was the occasionally fork scraping and the chewing.

Charlie went on about how these are the best eggs he'd ever had and Ginny politely agreed. Saffron blushed in pleasure.

Once she was done she grabbed a soon and a glass of water as well as eggs on toast for Mr Weasley and took them up to the room. Knocking on Fred and George's door to let them know their food was ready too.

Mr Weasley was in utter thanks and Molly, asleep.

"You will be staying with us a while won't you? It would be terribly helpful with Molly in this situation and us not knowing how to take care of ourselves," Mr Weasley practically begged. But he knew it was more for Charlie's sake than his own. The whole family wanted Saffron to stay for Charlie's expense. Molly and Arthur had discussed it the previous night saying that they really hoped something would happen. Both of them like Saffron a lot.

"If you really need me," Saffron replied, a sucker for these situations.

But as soon as Saffron was surely out of earshot Ginny turned to Charlie accusingly.

"You like her don't you?" she asked, her face straight and Charlie knew she was serious.

"Don’t be silly Gin," Charlie's face reddened as he made excuses. "I hardly know her."

"So I can tell. We all can," she replied.

"I like her as a friend but that's all Ginny. I'm just trying to make her feel more comfortable here," he said.

"Whatever. Just so you know, I think she likes you too," Ginny smiled.

"What makes you say that?" Charlie responded quicker than he wanted to.

"Girls intuition," Ginny winked before rinsing her plate and leaving the room, leaving Charlie there wondering what would happen if Saffron liked him too.

 A/N Thank you so much again for the votes and comments. It's not a lot, but it means a lot to me that people enjoy this so I hope this chapter was ok. Love you all xoxox

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