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The next morning was freezing and Saffron was so sure her toes would fall of if she tried to move them.

"Saffron?" Saffron reluctantly opened her eyes to see Charlie, already dressed, at her curtain.

"Morning," Saffron groaned.

"Morning. We will have to leave soon," Charlie looked so pained to have to tell her that.

"I know. I'll be up in a moment, just savouring the warmth," she said with a small smile.

"Ok, I'll get you something ready to eat," he explained leaving.

Saffron sighed, closing her eyes for a minute more, getting the strength to remove her freezing body from under the blankets, knowing it would be colder.

Saffron heard Charlie curse and smiled. He probably needed her help.

Saffron carefully peeled the blankets off herself and shivered as she stood. Pulling her wand from her sleeve she made her bed quickly, and dressed.

"It's so freezing," Saffron said as she exited into the little kitchen area.

"Yeah it is," Charlie agreed as he pushed a plate of fruit towards her.

"Thanks," Saffron smiled, sitting down to eat the prepared breakfast.

"Have you eaten?" she asked Charlie.

"Yeah, I had some fruit earlier."

"How long have you been awake?"

"I think the question is how long did I sleep," Charlie said a small smile on his face.

"Charlie! Don't tell me you've been up all night!" Saffron put down the strawberry she was about to eat.

"Not all night, just most of it," he shrugged.

"Aren't you exhausted? Why couldn't you sleep?" Saffron asked. "Sorry."

"It's alright. I am a little tired, but I can travel," Charlie said.

"If you're sure," Saffron asked, half hoping Charlie would say no and they could delay their trip.

"I'm sure," he said with a smile and Saffron supressed a sigh and continued to eat her breakfast.

And hour later Saffron had eaten and they'd packed up and were ready to move on.

"Ready?" Charlie asked once they had their suitcases ready.

"Ready," Saffron nodded taking his arm.

They swirled and Saffron felt ill for a few split seconds before she was on her feet again, blood dripping down her face.

With a sigh she fixed up her scar, annoyed that it liked to do that when she apparated.

They were in a clearing not much different to the last, snow and forest but it was a little bit warmer, and along one side was a mountain with little caverns built into them at different heights.

"Charlie, I thought we were..," Saffron trailed off, looking around for Charlie, so sure he had planned to go majority of the way to Romania today.

"Charlie!" Saffron gasped, rushing over to Charlie's body laying on the ground, praying he hadn't been splinched.

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now