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A/N Talk about plot twist! Your reactions were great! Thanks again for reading! xxx

"W-wait--what?" Charlie spluttered moving so that Saffron sat on the bed facing him. 

"Family?" He asked, shocked.

Saffron nodded, looking at her hands resting in her lap.

"How can he be family? Family doesn’t murder you or torture you or hurt you, they protect," disbelief covered Charlies face.

"Protect and in his own sick way I think he's doing  that," Saffron said.

"But he's a werewolf," Charlie said.

"He wasn't born a werewolf," Saffron pointed out.

"Even so, Saffron he killed your father, he's tried to kill you, he made Lupin what he is and have you seen Bill's face? Do you know who did that?" Charlie's voice rose a little and Saffron gave a sigh.

"I know what he did Charlie, I know what he's done. And I have in no way said what he has done is right because you know very well that I don't agree with his actions, his ways and that if I were to use the word hate to anyone it would be him. But I have this weird feeling that if it weren't for him I wouldn't be here, you wouldn't be here," Saffron said, she could feel herself becoming a little stroppy with Charlie and she really didn’t  feel like having an argument with him right now.

"I know you don't, I'm sorry I can't assume that just because you said that means that you agree with his actions. And it's wrong to think of you ever believing that because of your father, I mean I shouldn't have even brought that up," Charlie said, face reddening and scolding at himself in his mind for being so stupid then babbling on and on.

"It's ok," Saffron said she reached out and gently placed her hand on his and he turned his hand to take hers.

"Just, family, I mean what do you even mean by that?" he asks, his face still contorted into a puzzled frown. 

"He was my dad's younger brother," Saffron said, still not making eye contact. "He is my uncle."

"Uncle?" he asks, pushing a hand through his hair.

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now