First Date

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"I realized I've never actually taken you out on a date," Charlie said.

"Oh?" Saffron replied. 

"Yeah. And I'd like to!"

"You would?"

"Yes. So would you Saffron Hawthorn, care to go out on a special date with I Charlie Weasley?"

"I would love to!"

The conversation replayed through Saffrons mind as she got ready for her date with Charlie that night. The butterflies that had appeared in her stomach as he told her '6 PM Friday night, I'll pick you up' with a wink, were still in her stomach. 

She was unbelievably excited and confused as to where Charlie was taking her. Where was he going to take her?

Oh, well she'd soon see her surprise!

Exactly as the clock ticked over to 6, a knock at the door alerted Saffron and she slipped her bracelet from Charlie on and hurried to the door. 

"Hey," Saffron greeted Charlie breathlessly.

"Hey, you look great," Charlie smiled, handing her some flowers.

"Thanks. Flowers?" she asked. 

"Yeah. That's what you do on a date yeah?" Charlie asked and Saffron laughed. 

"I'll put them in a vase when I get back, I'm just so excited!" Saffron said as she placed the flowers carefully ont he table. 

"Me too," Charlie smiled. 

Slipping his hand into her's the two made their way down past the dining hall and into the darkness, Charlie's wand lighting their way. 

"How was work today?" Charlie asked smiling. He was immensly proud of Saffron for her promotion and loved being able to come see her whenever he needed to.

"It was great, but I think you knew that. You saw me enough times to know that," Saffron giggled. 

"Hey, can't blame me. I see my girl and I have to go over to her," Charlie said. Safron's heart fluttered at being 'his girl' and she snuggled closer to him. 

"Now slowly," Charlie instructed, carefully moving to an open and it fied, in it stood a Chinese Firebolt. 

Saffron stopped breathing, tears pierced her eyes, memories fluttered in and out of her mind. 

"Charlie," Saffron muttered, gripping his arm tightly. 

"Saffron, you need this. I wouldn't do this if I wasn't helping you," Charlie reassured her.

"This isn't a date," Saffron's breathing became uneasy. 

"Saffron, I'm here to help you. I know how you feel, and I know how it affects you. It affects the way you work, you don't want to come anywhere near them. Saffron what if someone was dying and needed your help and beside them was a chinese firebolt?

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now