Chap 1: Thief!

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                                                                                Also that's Terrian ^


                                                                                Y/N-Your Name

                                                                                L/N-Last Name                                         

                                                                                E/N-Exceed Name (female)

                                                                                H/C-Hair Color

                                                                                H/S-Hair Style   

                                                                                F/C-Favorite Color                                                                  


               Just a few more steps. You don't realize what you're doing until it's too late. You're about to steal from a local guild called Fairy Tail. You knew if you got caught, they'd beat you senseless, but you needed to eat. You scanned the storage room and found a breadstick. It wasn't much, but to you starving, it would be bliss.

             "Should we really be doing this?" E/N, your dark brown Exceed asks you, "What if we get caught?"

            "No, we probably shouldn't. But it's better than starving" You respond quietly, not wanting to get the attention of anyone.  You grabbed the breadstick and were about to leave until...

           "What do you think you're doing?" You hear a voice say. Above you was a white exceed, who seemed to not approve of your actions. If that cat raised the alarm, you'd be dead meat. Without thinking, you grabbed E/N and bolted out of the room. You knew the cat had raised the alarm by now, so you ran as fast as you could, trying to get to somewhere safe. Behind you, you heard another voice.

          "Stop! Thief!" The voice had said. You didn't look back, but could tell it was Fairy Tail's Titania, Erza Scarlet. You heard a few other voices, but you didn't dare to see who's they were.

          "E/N, I need wings" you said, knowing that you couldn't fight them off. Their power alone was enough to beat your dragon slayer magic, not to mention you heard they had 3 slayers of their own.

          "You suck," She replies, but she does what you asked her. As you fly over the city, you think you're safe, until you hear a voice.

          "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" a pink haired boy with a blue exceed says, flying towards you, hands covered in flames. You weren't on the ground, so you couldn't bring up earth, you couldn't dodge in time. Then you get a risky idea.

          "Drop me." You say, bracing for impact.

          "Are you out of your mind? No one could survive that fall! You'd be- oh" E/n realizes what you're trying to do. "Ok, if you're sure" she says, before dropping you.

          "Sand Cushion" you say, as sand comes to cushion your fall. it hurt, but not much. Realizing you're cornered, the only thing you can do is fight.

          "Earth Dragon Roar!!" you yell, blasting some of your opponents. You put up a good fight, blasting them with your earth magic, until a hand picks you up by your shirt.

          "So this is another Dragon Slayer huh?" A tall black haired guy with metal piercings says, "to think someone with an awesome power such as mine would stoop low enough to steal bread."

         "Earth Dragon Stone Fist! You yell, and he easily blocks it as you're thrown to the ground, everything in a blur. Your vision fades black as you hear one more voice, this time feminine.

         "Gajeel! Don't hurt him too bad, he's one of us!"


So this is Chapter 1. I'll try to make at least one chapter every day, though 

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