Chap 5: The Confession

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Sorry for not editing for a while, school sucks. Shoutout to Vell241 for naming the quote, and being the first to vote on my story. Thanks bud, I appreciate ya. And also, this will not follow the Fairy Tail storyline at all, unless you'd like me to. Then leave a comment and I'll start using arcs and stuff. Well, enjoy the story! Or don't and be sad that you didn't. Your choice!

Three months later

You walked into the guild, ready to dodge a flying chair, cup, or human for that matter. As expected, Natsu was fighting Gray, and Erza was stopping them. It was a chaotic guild, but it was home to you. You didn't get far before a certain blue-haired girl stopped you.

"Hey Y/N" Wendy says, smiling at you.

"Hi Wendy, how are you?" You ask semi-awkwardly.

"I'm good, and you?" She responds, glancing at Mirajane.

"I'm fine I guess" You say, watching the two girls and frowning. Something was going on between the two of them, but you were too oblivious to figure it out.

"'Fine you guess'?" Wendy frowns, "Why 'you guess'? If something's wrong, I can help"

"No, it's fine" You say.

What is going on with Wendy today? You say in your head. She seems, overly.. careful. Like she's scared of saying the wrong thing. Normally she's careful, but not this careful.

"Hey Y/N, have ya asked her out yet?" Gray asks, jerking a thumb at Wendy, making you both blush.

"H-hey, what's that supposed to mean? I-I'm not in l-love with her or anything" You say, about as convincing as a sign that says "There is no sign here".

Gray mouths a silent O, then decides to talk with Mirajane. Wendy blushes more, watching them talk, as if she knew what the conversation was about.

"Ok, what if going on. I don't like that you're hiding something from me" You say, your frown making her sadden.

"Oh, uhh, so basically, Mirajane was- Gray was talking t- I-" Wendy stammers, not finding the right words.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable" You interrupt, but your curiosity is peaking. You'll have to check in with Mirajane later about this.

"O-ok, thanks" She says blushing furiously.

"Oh what did you do to Wendy this time?" Carla asks, looking at you with disdain.

"Y/N didn't do anything to Wendy, so leave him alone" E/N says, hopping to your defense immediately. The two had grown a rivalry, and didn't like to see you hanging out with Wendy most of the time. E/N had grown sick of Carla's constant attitude towards people, and Carla's tired of E/N's more chill nature, thinking she lacks intelligence.

No matter what the Exceed's say, you knew you liked Wendy, and knew that if you didn't ask her out soon, someone like Romeo would. You and Romeo didn't get along well, you being better friends with Gray and him being better friends with Natsu. So you were okay with his presence, but didn't necessarily want him near you. So teamed up with Gray and Mirajane to create the best spot for it. You had found a nice garden, and Cherry Blossoms everywhere. Mirajane would pick out the best place, and Gray would make sure that you didn't back out.

5 days later, finally, you think you're ready. You had invited Wendy earlier that day, but you, like an idiot, left with no context right after. You were waiting under a Sakura Tree when she appeared. She was wearing a soft light blue dress, that made her look beautiful.

"Hey Wendy... Wow you look really pretty today" You say, remarking on her outfit, making her blush.

"Heh, t-thank you." She says, clearly nervous. None of you had ever gone on anything close to this, you've only done missions together and talked at the guild. You talked with her, until the final nudge was pushed.

A beam of ice rose up from the ground, incasing you in a heart-shaped arc. You took a deep breath, and then started like you had practiced.

"Um, Wendy, you've been a great friend for the past three months, from when I joined the guild, to now. I-I don't know if you feel the same, but I, I like you Wendy. A lot."

Instead of responding, Wendy pulled your lips closer to hers, resulting in a quick, passionate kiss.

Once it was over, you heard four words that would change your life forever.

"I love you too"

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