Chap: 9 Tenrou Disaster

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So some things about this will be correct, but the main difference about this part is I had originally set Romeo's age to Wendy's, so the seven year difference would make him a lot older, so he'll be your partner. But yea, without further ado, let's get into the cringy book that looks like a 10yo wrote it. And it's not going to be the exact dialogue and stuff, cuz I watched Fairy Tail a while ago, so my memory is still hazy.

"Listen up" Master Makarov calls, grabbing your attention from a book you had picked up in recovery.

"The S-class test is coming up soon, if you want to participate, grab a partner and enter"

You looked around for Wendy, but saw she was already paired with someone. You, who had not cared about S-class decided to take it this time. The only other one who seemed to b searching for a partner was Romeo. You hesitated, but went up to him. You had recovered two days ago, but the two of you hadn't talked much since then.

"Hey, I noticed you don't have a partner for the s-class quizzes, you wanna join my team?" You asked him hesitantly.

"Sure" he said. He knew his idol Natsu would enter, so he knew he had to enter also. Even if it meant pairing with you.

Timeskip brought to you but everyone dying from heat on the boat

You arrive at "Tenrou Island, and master Makarov and the others explain how it will go. There are 8 [It was 7 in the show... right?] paths, either one where you fight another group, one where you fight an s-class wizard, or a free path. Because of your and Romeo's luck, you get to fight an S-class wizard.

OC time cuz y not

Arin Aero

Age: 20

Height: 5"9

Magic: Alchemy Magic-Summons different ingredients from a void storage bin to create different potions.

Arin get's into his fighting stance, preparing a Berserker Brew. You knew the effects of a Berserker Brew:

When drank, the Berserker Brew will lent the user immense power from their instincts, shutting their brain off and lettings primordial instincts take control. User does not remember anything that happens as the Berserker Brew is in effect though, as their brain is shut off.

"Earth Dragon Stone Armor" You say, coating yourself in the rocky environment as Romeo does the same with his flames. Arin 's potion kicks into effect, turning him into a 7" tall monster. He tries to grab Romeo, but he dodges, shooting his arm with flames. You enter, shouting "Stone Make Longsword" as you make a longsword from the crystals around. You strike Arin, who's Berserker Brew effect makes it do almost nothing other than a small cut. Romeo attacks with purple fire, surrounding him so he can't escape without getting hit by the flames, already licking at the stalagmites near him. You and Romeo unleash a series of attacks, you using Stone Make Magic, and Romeo using his red flames. Romeo then does something he had been practicing on his own: He summons green fire. Green Fire: Instead of burning like normal fire, or attacking like Purple fire, Green fire lights the target on fire draining their magic energy to give to the mage to casted the spell, or another target assigned from the user. Knowing that it has something to do with nature, you say "Earth Dragon's Nature's Vine Support!" Suddenly thorny vines sprout from the cave walls, catch on green fire, and tie Arin down. The disperse as Arin's Berserker Brew wears off.

"Good Job, you beat me" He says, smiling at you. Suddenly, the cave shakes.

"What was that?" Romeo questions

"Not part of the exam..." Arin responds. "C'mon, let's go see"

To be continued. Though anyone who's watched Fairy Tail knows what happens.

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