Chap 10: War of Guilds

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Damn, I really forgot about making stories. Just kinda not myself lately, but I'm back and I'll try to update a bit more. Idk tho, writers block really takes effect when you're not especially happy. But whatever, you didn't read this to learn about my boring life, onto the book!

As you, Romeo, and Arin leave you the cave, you notice a flying ship, that you recognize to belong to a dark guild known had Grimoire Heart. It's flying towards a giant Makarov, seemingly getting ready to launch an attack.

"Fairy Law!" The whole island hears Makarov say, but they also hear another voice.

"Grimoire Law" it says, canceling out Fairy Law and shocking Makarov, and he goes back to his normal size.

"Not good" Arin says, "Get ready. We're launching an attack on Grimoire Heart. Their members are on Tenrou"

You nod and start running towards the ship with Romeo and Arin.

"Where do you think you're going" A voice says as you stop to face it. You encounter four people, all of them seemingly skilled wizards.

"Ready?" Arin says quietly, only audible to you and Romeo. You can only nod and Arin starts to count down.


"Hey! I'm talking to you!"


"Just surrender and we won't hurt you"


"For the love of god, just say something!"

"Alright, how about this? Earth Dragon Stone Kick!" You yell as your foot connects with the first guy's face, knocking him out cold.

"That should even the odds" Romeo says. "I got this one" he shoots purple fire at the guy on the left.

"Blast Powder! Dernal Tree Pollen! Seral Dust! Tier Two Explosion Potion!" Arin yells, taking the guy in the center with an explosion. That left you to the guy on the right.

"You'll be taking on me, prepare to lose" He says. Too overconfident you think Most likely not even that experienced. 

"Earth Dragon Stone Armor!" You yell, as you lock in a fist fight battle with him.

What the hell? He's not even using magic!

"What's wrong? Is the Boulder finally cracking" he taunts, continuing to beat you down. All you can do is block.

"Stone Make Shield!" You yell, blocking his attacks. You then smash the shield on his head, making his head bleed as he coughs up blood.

"Now you've done it" He says raising his fists. Somehow, he appears behind you and punches you. As the impact sends you flying, he appears again in front of you, and knees you into the air.

I need to think of something... And fast!

"C'mon, I'm starting to get bored" He days, axe kicking you into the ground, making you cough up blood.

In that moment of desperation, you turn to Dragon Force. Your hair turns obsidian black, and your skin turns into stone.

Dragon force is basically going super-Saiyan. If ya don't know what that is, think Mega Evo. If still no think gaining an Infinity stone temporarily. They're pretty close after all, you gain immense power either way.

"Hidden Art: Earth Dragon Quake!" You yell, as the quake hits s him, knocking him out. For those of you that want to know what Quake looks like, look up the animation for Precipice Blades.

Arin had defeated his person, and helped Romeo. He then goes to you, only to figure out you beat the person, we you revert back to your normal form.

"You know what, I'm starting to actually like you" You hear Romeo say.

"I'm glad. This relationship was getting a little one sided" You tease as Romeo laughs.

Arin watches the two of you bicker at each other and smiles. It had been just like him and his friend years ago. "So our art was passed down, in one manner" he says softly, smiling to himself.

Alright that's gonna be it for today's story, don't forget to leave a vote, comment, and follow, and I will see you guys in the next chapter. Ace Out

*insert epic outro music here*

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