Chap 12: A Queen of Diamonds

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Hey, sorry for not updating! It's been like a year... stuff just sucked and I didn't have time, energy or the will to do much anymore. But I'm trying to edit more! But as I've said, You're here for the story, not to read some random's life story.

Amethyst looked at you with hatred swirling in her eyes. "I can't believe you. I loved you Y/N... and you just leave me?" She sends more sharp diamond-shaped gems at you

You look at her and smile "Yeah, that's pretty must the gist of it. If you had maybe stopped attempting to murder people, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation" You say, dodging them and shoting your own pointed stones at her.

She flashes back a smile of her own "Well that's just the price hun~ Maybe those people shouldn't have flirted with my Y/N"

You change to a serious expression. "I'm not yours. Now I haven't done this for a while..." You activate Dragon Force as half of your body turns into stony-scales. "Don't get too cocky. Remember, Gems are only pretty rocks" You send a pillar of stone at her, which she cuts in half with a sharp diamond.

She instead gives a bigger smile "I'm flattered you still think I'm pretty after all these years~ since you're so kind, I'll tell you a little secret" Her smile fades as she activates her own Dragon Force "You hurt me, Y/N. The day you left without saying anything, left me alone... not even an exceed to keep me company." She gives a broken, twisted smile and continues. "Heh, ironic, isn't it? The one I tried so hard to keep my own, is the one who hurt me most"

You feel a little bit guilty, but you coldly shake it off. She shouldn't be forgiven, right? "You think it was easy for me, leaving the only thing I had cared about back then?" E/N frowns and crosses her arms at this, but knows what you're trying to do and shrugs it off. You strike her in the stomach, and she flies backward, stabbing a ruby into the ground to keep balance.

This makes her even more mad as she snaps "But you had no problem forgetting it! You say it was hard for you to leave, but then you go and join a guild, and even replace me! After all we've been through, you discard me as if I was just nothing to you"

You keep hitting her with a barrage of brutal earth attacks as you respond "I did what I had to. You weren't yourself, so I helped you get over me"

She errupts in a crystal vortex as a crystal shaped lotus flower appears around her. The Eternal Bloom (Yes, I stole the name from fortnite. But they called the Zero Point so many damn things, they won't miss one) You had only seen it once before, where she used it to heal you. She had said it was a gift from her dragon, but she never elaborated.

"No... you didn't help me" She says, her love turning into LOVE (Undertale reference, if ya know ya know) "You helped yourself" She opened the flower, and it shot a beam of concentrated energy at you. You put up a shield wall, but it goes through.

Shit, You think, I won't die from this, but it'll hurt. The beam blasts at you and you scream in agony as it overwhelms you. Even Amethyst seems surprised, and stops the beam before it can do much more. She starts to summon crystals, but stops, seemingly hearing something.

She looks at you in dusgust and says "While I'd love to continue our little fued here, I'm afraid It's time for me to move on. Since you obviously have" She says the last part with disdain and teleports away in a purple flash as you black out.

Wendy POV

W-what just happened? Wendy thinks, looking at the battleground in front of her. Did Y/N really do that? He had to have had good reason... right? Wendy now faces a choice. Which will she trust, her heart or her head?



Wassup, I hope I'm still ok at writing! I wanted this chapter to give a choice, because now that I'm here again, I have no idea what I was planning for this to go. So this can go two ways... One, you walk away, two, I walk on your face!


No one gets it?


But seriously, I could either put in some plot delevopment, maybe even a break up (for a short period of time) and mak the story a lot more interesting,

Or I could give it a cliche storyline, but I'm terrible at writing stuff like dates. This whole Tenrou island situation was origially planned to be a date, but I f***ked it up so bad I just changed the story. Your choice! But you've probably already skipped this. If you haven't, shout outs to you, and I'll see you in the next chapter, which won't take a year (I hope)

Remember- Don't die of Potassium deficiency!

(Word Count: 837)

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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Heaven and Earth || Wendy x Male! Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें