Chap 3: When Earth meets Heaven

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          "I would like you to join our guild."

          You were stunned, not knowing how to react. You had just tried to steal from them, and then they ask you to join their Guild? Is this how people have evolved to? Last I had seen most were selfish jerks like Terrian taught me.

          "Um" You say in a daze, still confused by what's going on.

          "Natsu and the other dragon slayers are looking for their dragons, and you could be help to them" Makarov adds.

          "But I'm pretty sure none of them like me. When I past through the hall they all were giving me a deathly stare.

          "That's just the aggressive nature of the people here. You didn't try to steal much anyway, so what's the point in treating you like a criminal?"

         You're almost crying of happiness, but one thought circles your mind.

       "And what if they don't accept me?" You ask, remembering the saying History Repeats Itself.

       "They will. Now come with me," Makarov says as he opens the doors to the guild again, "Fairy Tail, this is Y/N L/N, and he will join you in this guild"

       "Didn't he try to steal from us?" You hear a voice say. You were waiting for this, waiting for them to start their hostility.

      "Yes, but he only tried to steal a piece of bread because he was starving. Plus he could be good help to you dragon slayers (he gestures to a group of people consisting of Wendy, the guy that beat you up before known as Gajeel, and a pink-haired kid)"

      "No you need your stamp. What color do you want it and where do you want it?" Makarov asks you as a nice-looking girl with white hair and a stamp in her hand walks towards you and smiles.

      "Um, F/C and on my right shoulder" You say, as the white haired girl stamps your shoulder.

      "There." She says, "You are now part of Fairy tail!"

      No one goes up to congratulate you, as expected, so you thank Makarov and the white haired girl and you go sit at a table with no one else.

     "Doesn't it get boring sitting alone?" You hear a voice say, surprised, you look up to the face of Wendy, the girl who had healed you before.

     "Nah, not really" You say, not expecting someone to interact with you. "Your name seems familiar, are you a dragon slayer too?" You ask, when the name Wendy circles around your memory, but you can't find a memory to match.

     "Yes I am, I'm the Sky Dragon Slayer" Wendy says taking pride in her name.

     "Cool, I'm the Earth Dragon Slayer, but you probably already saw that" You say, embarrassed at your performance.

     "Oh yeah, sorry about Gajeel, he get's aggressive sometimes" Wendy apologizes.

     "No need, I deserved it. Plus I used most of my magic energy to survive earlier, my judgement was clouded by survival. I should be the one apologizing for angering you in the first place"

     "Oh, I-it's fine" Wendy says, flushing at your sudden change. 

     "Well it's nice to know I have at least two friends here," You say, deepening the redness in her cheeks. Speaking of that, where's E/N?"

     "E/N's with Carla"

     "Guess they're having girl time over there"

     "Yeah" Wendy laughs, also wondering what E/N and Carla were doing.

      An awkward silence settles in, you not used to talking, and Wendy not knowing what to talk about.

      "So, You wanna go get something to eat?" You ask boldly. Wendy looks up at you in shock, not expecting you to ask that.

     "Uh, s-sure" she stutters, not knowing if you'd just asked her out.

     Realizing what you'd just said, you hurried to correct your mistake. "N-no, I meant in a friendly way!" You say as your cheeks redden to match hers.

     "Oh, uh yeah! Let's go!" she says, trying to get her mind off of this.

     "Alright, let's go!" You say, grabbing her hand as you basically drag her to the counter.

    After serving you, Mirajane, the white haired girl watches you and Wendy, talking and laughing. "Ahh, young love" She mutters to herself.

Heaven and Earth || Wendy x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now