Chap 2: Consequences and Repercussions

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            You groan as you wake up, surveying your surroundings. You were in a hospital bed, and a girl with blue hair and a green dress, about your age was doing some type on magic on you. Not knowing what she was doing, you pull back, disturbing the spell.

            The girl puffs out her cheeks and says "Look, I'm trying to heal you. Now stop moving, or I'll mess up again"

            You remember that voice from before, it was the same as the one that stopped that slayer from pummeling you to a crisp. I guess I can let her do her magic, you comment in your mind, after all, she did save me from... Gajeel I think she said? It's hard to think clearly.

           Watching her heal you, you decide to strike up a conversation. "So... what's your name?" You ask her.

           "Um, I'm Wendy" She says, "Yours?"

           "I'm Y/N. And this is..." You start to introduce E/N, but you realize she's not next to you. You hadn't been separated since you met her, so you start to panic.

           "WHERE'S E/N" You yell, startling the girl.

           "You'd think he wouldn't yell at the girl healing him" You hear another voice say.

           "You" You hiss, realizing that was the cat that ratted you out before.

           "Well you shouldn't steal from our guild. If you're looking for the other exceed, she's also locked up nearby.

           "Can't a guy get something to eat?" You say. The nerve of some people. My dragon left, I've been alone since X777, and they still don't care.

          "I think that was a bit rude Carla" Wendy says, "Can't E/N be with Y/N?"

          "Fine. But only because Wendy said so" She addresses the last part to you, making sure you know she's not friendly with you. Carla leaves the room, and comes back with E/N.

        "Hey! Let go of me!" The familiar chocolate-colored cat yells. "Hey Y/N, a little help here!"

        "No can do. This girl's healing me (you gesture to Wendy) and knowing the destructive nature of this guild, if I do something she doesn't like, I'd end up a pile of dust"

         "I wouldn't do that," Wendy says, almost seeming saddened that you thought she'd kill you instantly.

         "Sorry, I'm used to everyone being hostile to me," You apologize, not meaning to sadden her.

        "I-it's fine," She replies. "Well, I'm done. Master Makarov said to tell you to meet him outside"

        "Alright, let's get this over with," You mutter, knowing this is either the lecture or punishment.

          You make your way outside, the whole guild watching you in a very un-friendly way. Being used to this, you keep walking, your head staring at the earth below. I could try to escape, you think, can't, takes too much energy. As you get outside, the master is waiting for you.

         "Y/N is your name, correct?" He says, not facing you.

         "Y-yes sir" You say, knowing that Fairy Tail's guild master was extremely powerful, and he could probably wipe you off the face of the earth without trying.

        "While normally I would punish you, I heard you were a Dragon Slayer. Is this correct?"

       "Y-yes it is sir" You reply, not looking up from the dirt.

       "Then your dragon must've left on July 7, X777, am I correct?"

       Your lips part as you look up at the exact date Terrian Left. As you respond, what you hear next surprises you even more.

      "Then I would like you to join our Guild."

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