Chap 6: Competition

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Yeah, remember when I said I'd try to make a chapter a day? Yeah that's a joke. I was stupid to think I could do that, but yeah, he's chap 6. I'm currently working on another, because I had to delete my last one. I like making things you normally won't see, so the next one I'll make will be a Sub! Toga x Dom! Male Reader. or female, just ignore the he and it could be interpreted from a female perspective. Now enjoy! or don't and be hangry morpeko instead of full-belly morpeko.

You were at your dorm, the confession to Wendy being the day before. You barely got any sleep the night, because you were still shocked that Wendy said yes to your confession. You were getting out of bed and getting dressed when you heard banging on your door. You quickly put on a (f/c) hoodie and some jeans, and went to see who it was. To your surprise, it was Romeo, but he seemed off. His eyes were watery and were missing the usual spark he normally had. He handed you a note and stormed off, an almost dark, menacing aura trailing him. The note read:

Hey Y/N. I challenge you to a fight.

Whenever you're ready, outside the guild hall.

And don't hold back, I wan-need to beat you.

The want was erased so that it was almost illegible. You weren't scared, as you had fought him before, but now he seemed more mad, seeming like he didn't just want a rivalry duel, like he wanted to end you. His fire magic was weak against your earth, unless he can use a fire that can burn through stone. As you were thinking this, you heard a voice.

"Hey Y/N, how are you?"

You look up to see Wendy, looking concerned.

"I'm fine" You reply, still worried about the note.

"What's up with Romeo? I saw him coming from this way, and he seemed mad. When I tried to get his attention he god even more mad and started crying. I wanted to see if you knew what was happening."

You look at the note finally realizing why Romeo challenged you.

"He's mad because his enemy just stole his crush from him" You say as you show her the note.

"No way, you're not thinking about fighting him are you? Won't that just make things worse?"

"If I didn't do this, he'd be even more upset. He needs to beat me, so that's what I'll let him do"

But Wendy shook her head. "He'd be mortified if he found out you let him win, but his fire can't beat your earth, not even Natsu could burn through it! Unless he plans to penetrate it, or if he's found a fire strong enough to..."

"It's ok Wendy, I won't make it obvious"

With that, you and Wendy left to go to the guild. Once there, you saw a group gathered around, Romeo in the right-center. When he saw you and Wendy walking hand-in-hand to the battlefield, he seemed to burn with anger. The entire guild had divided into two teams, his in yours. The main supporters for both were Natsu and Gray respectively.

"Whenever your ready thief" Romeo shouts at you.

"So we're still calling me that eh? Well I'll show you what this "thief" can do" You retorted

Romeo sets his hands aflame with purple fire, and charges towards you.

"Earth Dragon Rock Armor!" You say, having dealt with his purple fire before. As you brace for the punch you're used to him starting with, he throws the right fire and it comes at you from behind, almost knocking you over, and releasing the armor spell. Too late, you realize he still has his left hand lit, and he punches your stomach, making you cough blood.

You look up at him and mutter "Now it's time to get serious"

"Earth Make Katana!" You yell, creating a stone katana to attack with. Romeo created blue fire, which you've seen him do, but you've never fought it. You know it has ice related properties though, which to you shouldn't be a problem since you hang around Gray a lot. You take your katana, and charge at him. He deflects your blow and tries to punch you, which you block with an "Earth Make Shield".

It becomes a cycle of him attacking and you deflecting with your sword or tanking it with your shield, and you attacking and him deflecting with different types of fire. After a few minutes you lock in place in that cliché anime style, like where two swords clash. Your sword and his purple fire struggling to take the victory.

"It's time to end this" You hear him say.

"Gladly" You respond.

"Hidden Art: Earth Dragon Quake!" You shout as Romeo yells, covering himself in rainbow flames. you had never seen these before, but you were ready. He shot them at you, knocking you out, but the last thing you see before totally blacking out is your Quake hitting him, exchanging KOs.

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