Chap 4: The Battle

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         After talking with Wendy for a few days, the pink-haired kid from before challenges you to a battle.

       Wendy says you shouldn't, and warns you on Natsu's power, but you respond saying "I'll just stomp his fuse"

      "Tomorrow, outside at noon. Ya got that thief?"

      "You'd be too if you were starving, and you had to care for yourself and a cat"

      "Whatever you gotta tell yourself"

       "Says you. You got off easy. When your dragon left, you were taken care of by a guild. This is X784, I survived on my own for 7 years, honing my skills. As you saw, I beat almost a quarter of your guild, and I was magic-exhausted. I think I'll handle you" You say, angered by his lack of sympathy. You didn't expect him to be as nice as Wendy, buy you at least thought he'd respect you as a member of the guild.

       Natsu, having nothing left to say to that, stormed off to go fight Gray. You had no regret for what you said, but you expected him to want to fight you even more.

       "I think that was too far," Wendy says, watching Natsu start another fight With Gray.

         "Whatever, the bitch has no respect" You reply sharply, "I try to take on thing, and suddenly I'm so evil. It's not like it'd end your life, it's one piece of bread."

         Wendy was silent, watching you as you vented slowly to her. Wow, he's been through a lot, I understand his motives, but I still think he went too far. But then again... Wendy starts to sway towards your side, for no visual reason, Wait no. I can't favor one over the other, I can't be like Toshinori. If y'all get that reference comment I'll give ya a shout out.

       After realizing you've been venting to her, you swiftly apologize. "It's fine" The girl in front of you replies. You blushed wondering how this angel decided to talk to you. "Why me?" You mutter aloud.

        "Hm? What was that?" Wendy says, frowning.

        "O-oh did I say that aloud? I didn't mean- I mean I did, I wasn't tal- Oh just forget it." You blurt, making her laugh. She smiled at you, and you smile back.

       Is it possible I... No, I couldn't. I only met her yesterday. Yet she's been so nice and welcoming to me... You think to yourself. Ugh, I wish Terrian could help me with this. Speaking of that, who was the dragon he had liked, he told me it was... what's her name, Grandeeney? The sky dragon? You blush even more, connecting the dots. Wow, like father like son.

**Insert SpongeBob "one day later" here**

       "Hey Y/N, It's noon, you still up for that fight?" Natsu says, lighting his fist on fire and punching is palm.

       "Sure, let's go" You say, "Just don't be mad when I suffocate your flame"

      "Ahh sure. Enough with the talk, Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

      "Earth Dragon Rock Armor!" You yell, taking the hit with minimal damage.

      "Fire Dragon Roar!"

      "Earth Dragon Roar!"

     As to two roars make contact, a large explosion occurs. You, seeing this as an opening, decide to attack.

     "Earth Dragon Stone Kick!" You say, covering your leg in harder rocks than your armor and kicking him, sending him sprawling. He gets up and uses his signature line, "now I'm all fired up!"

    "Earth/Fire Dragon..." You both start.

    "Claw/Talon!" You finish, you being claw him being talon. The two fists hit, creating a smaller explosion, but this time, you had a plan. The stones surrounding your fist softened on impact, at first, Natsu thought that meant he was winning, but soon saw your plan. The stone melting into a sand-like substances smothered his fire, leaving him open.

    "Earth Dragon Stone Kick!" You yell, finishing the fight. He gets up, but holds up one hand to show he's done.

    "Wow, you're actually pretty strong. And with your fire-smothering plan, I was no match."

    "Please, you almost had me. I was struggling to keep up the roar, and your Iron Fist did a lot more than expected."

   "Y/N, you gotta fight me again sometime, I will beat you!"

    "Keep dreaming. Fire is not very effective against rock" You say, sorry I had to include this. I was watching Saiki K the other day and he made a Pokémon reference, so when the idea came, I had to do it.

   You go inside, both wounded from the fight, but him more than you. You groan as your side hurts from where the Iron Fist met your armor. The guild accepts you both now, and you realize your a part of a big family. Of course, one that's at each others throats all the time, and are constantly fighting, but none the less a family.

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