He was in pain (Jungwoo angst)

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"Ok guys that's it for today, you can go home now" the dance teacher yelled across the room so that all 9 members could hear him. To say that Jungwoo was exhausted was an understatement, he had been going from dance practice to vocal practice to dance practice again for the past weeks and now he could no longer feel his throat or feet. "Except you Jungwoo, I need you to stay so that you can properly learn the choreographies" - excellent, just what Jungwoo needed. He was really starting to doubt that the decision of making him part of 127 was a good idea.

He turned around, left his bag on the floor once again, and placed himself in the middle of the practice room while he waited for the music to start. His arms and legs moved to the music but his mind was somewhere else, he knew he must have missed some steps but at that point, he couldn't really bring himself to care anymore, he was too exhausted to dance like he was supposed to.

Two hours later, he was finally heading home. His muscles were hurting, his head was pounding, his ears were buzzing because of the loud music and all he wanted to do was sleep.

He arrived at the dorms and was welcomed by darkness and nothing more, no sounds, no "Hello" or "How are you?" just, darkness. The pain in his muscles suddenly became nothing compared to the pain he felt in his heart. His throat tightened, he wanted to cry so bad, why weren't his members there to welcome him, he knew he was late, he knew that the members were tired and he knew that he was being selfish but he had been just so tired this past week and he really wanted someone to comfort him, to tell him that he was enough and that his hard work would pay off, but nothing came.

Slowly he retreated to his room where he found a sleeping Jaehyun. He took his clothes off and lied on his bed. Seeing as sleep was not coming for him, he decided he would be going on his phone for a bit until he felt tired enough, or at least until his body decided to sleep. Once he opened his phone, hundreds of notifications zoomed through it, he quickly lowered the volume and closed his eyes hoping that Jaehyun wouldn't have been awakened by the sound of the phone.

After some minutes of silence, he opened his eyes again, checked on Jaehyun, and turned his phone on again. The culprit for the hundreds of notifications was his twitter. That was weird, he never got THAT many notifications. Something must be happening.

Curiosity swept Jungwoo but as he opened Twitter and checked what was going on, his curiosity was replaced by a feeling of dread and disgust.

"He's so ugly, why is he even on the group?"

"He doesn't add anything to the team"

"The group would be better without him"


"No talent"

Jungwoo kept reading comments that seemed never-ending, one after another they attacked him. He knew he wasn't the best dancer or the best singer but... But he believed people would see how hard he was working, he just wanted to be enough, why couldn't he be enough?

Tears started running down his cheeks as he kept reading. The comments kept getting worse and there was apparently no light left for him so he cried, he let his tears flow like waterfalls, he wanted to scream and sob and let people know in how much pain he was but he couldn't, he was stuck in an "I'm fine" facade and he didn't know how to get out from there.

He cried himself to sleep with no one by his side, but his pillow and his phone and that's how he woke up, with puffy eyes and with no one but his phone and his pillow. When he opened his eyes Jaehyun wasn't there anymore. He must be having breakfast, Jungwoo thought, he should do too. He dressed on some decent clothes, made an attempt to comb his hair, and went out to have some breakfast.

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