chapter 15

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Sasuke pov

Soon enough night rolled around.

Time to get ready.

I thought as I dressed in a black Hoodie, black jeans, and black converse. I made sure to grab my black jansport back pack and stuff it with some wire. I also had put a rag dipped in chloroform. Of course I used my hands to do it. I didn't want to run the risk of using my gloves and having them soaked as well.

I shoved my black leather gloves in the front pocket of my Hoodie as I walked out the door locking it behind me. I had a black face mask on covering my chin mouth and nose. I had my hood up covering my hair and with it being the dead of night it shielded my eyes.

Looking like this I was bound to get stopped by police. Not wanting to risk anything I stuck to the shadows cowering behind anything near me when a car or anything or anyone that passed by.

I didn't want anyone to see me. That's what my brother taught me. That's why they say no one has ever lived if they saw him at night.

It took me about a good hour before I finally reached my destination. The bar near the edge of town. That's because I had to hide a lot.

It was frustrating. It was Wednesday. So why the hell were so many people out at night?

I glanced around me several times looking for people, animals, objects with anything close to a camera. I looked at cars. Inside them making sure no one was watching.

Once I was in the clear I sat in the darkest shadows of the nearest alleyway waiting for her to exit. I made sure to check her routes. So it would be easy to catch her while I stayed in the shadows.

Damn shes been in there for 2 hours! How long is she gunna be?!

I thought as I waited. I was constantly checking my surroundings making sure I was still in the clear.

I waited a half hour later before I finally saw my chance to grab her.

About damn time.

Quietly I snuck closer to the entrance of the alley. Watching my steps as I walked. Once I was poised and ready I took out the rag dipped in chloroform and waited.

Oh good shes alone. Perfect.

Checking my surroundings once more making sure no one and nothing was watching I took my chance.

I quickly grabbed her and pulled her back shoving the chloroform rag on her nose and mouth. Neither she nor I made a sound.

Once she was knocked out I put my evidence back into my bag quietly. I carried her back into the shadows of the alley.

No one saw me and no one heard me. Of course I made sure she lived alone. I couldn't have anyone reporting anything.

She was easy to get rid of and I was grateful. It was an easy pay.

I took her body and jumped down into the sewers. Never making a sound. I finished the job down there by slicing her throat and killing her instantly. I didn't want her to have a painful death. I burned her body down there leaving nothing but ash. No bones. No clothes. No skin. No hair. Nothing was left behind.

Jumping out I cleaned myself up with the deodorant spray. I had to get off the stench of sewer before I finished the job.

Now was the hard part. I had to brake into her house and pack her things and get rid of her things. I had to make it look like she moved.

I was planning on burning her things down in the sewers. Shredding them down there so that there's nothing left behind. Her suitcases were going to be the hard part. I mean how was I supposed to get rid of that thing.

Unless I cleaned it up making it brand new and donating it.

So that's how my night went. Shredding her clothes in the sewers. Burning them to ash. Of course I swept the ashes in the sewer water.

I had took about an hour cleaning up her suitcases and putting them in the shelves of the donation place.

I sighed heavily. Thankful that it was done. Nothing was left behind. Everything was gone. No evidence left behind. Her apartment cleaned up looking new. Her suitcases brand new in a donation place with tags of prices on them.

I learned everything from my brother. He says to burn the evidence to ash. Make sure nothing is left behind. No bones no nothing. Cleaning up the houses is usually the hard part. Making sure it looks as if they've up and left.

Were the only ones who do this. And we don't do it very often. When we get jobs we take them from different towns.

I mean yeah it's bound to be noticed. Nothing is kept in the shadows forever. Were bound to get caught but my brother says as long as we don't leave any trace of evidence from them and we aren't seen by anyone or anything, and we don't leave any footprints or fingerprints or hair or anything of our being they can't catch us.

It takes hours upon hours to do this. It's tedious but we have to make a living some how. And being Uchiha's no one gives us real jobs. We have to make a living as assassins by anyone who will hire us.

It's usually the local gangs. Sometime if were lucky it's someone higher up, like the government that grabs us. We never show our faces. We clean up our clothes always by burning them to ash after every kill. We never speak. We never leave anything to anyone. That's why we've never gotten caught. We don't let anyone see us, hear us or feel us. Not even our presence. That's why people call my brother the phantom. Not even our clients know we look like. Not even our height is known. Our breathing. They can't hear it either. We make sure to lower it to a level where only a dogs hearing can detect it.

After every kill we make sure to change our numbers. We pay my friend Suigetsu to change it. We pay him to put it under a false name. He pays our bill. Our phone bills our under two separate accounts. And suigetsu puts us under different names. He has someone, I believe it might be his brother but he changes our numbers. So none of clients can retrace there steps. Suigetsu's usually good at his job.

Well he has to be because if someone wants to arrest anyone it'd be him. The killings would lead back to him first.

So he has gotten good at disguises and names and finding new ways to change our numbers. We have to pay him for that too.

That's another bill we have. He knows about our job. But I don't know how he got his hands on a job like this before we did. It's usually us that tell him we made another kill. We never tell him who it was or who wanted them dead. So he never knows anything.

So the fact that this Orochimaru guy got to him before we did was mind boggling. However I wasn't about to question him about it any further. It was obvious he wasn't going to tell me anything.

It was now 4 am and I was lurking in the shadows. No one was able to see me. I made sure of that. About 5 minutes later I saw a hooded figure wearing white drop a black bag in the trash can.

That must be mine.

I saw the light over head start to flicker. It must've been his doing. I waited for it to flicker again before I grabbed my bag. I not once stepped into the light.

Thats what my brother taught me.

It took me about another hour to get home making sure nothing or no one saw me. Not even animals layed eyes on me.

5Am. Damn. Guess I'm going to school without sleep.

I thought as I quietly  closed the door behind me. Once I was sure I was in the clear I stripped my clothes, shoes and everything in the bag I dumped them in the tub. And ran the water over them. I didn't want to bleach them because that would make it too obvious.

Well it wasn't as if I got blood on myself. It was a clean kill.

I hung them over the side of the tub and showered myself before dressing. After I was sure I put the clothes out to dry on the shower curtain rack. Leaving my backpack and shoes in the tub.

Yes if you're wondering I have a separate backpack for school. My brother makes sure of it.

Once I was cleaned up I grabbed the money out of the bag and checked every bill making sure they were legit.

Of course they were. I grabbed a few hundreds and left for school.

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