chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sasuke pov

I didn't know how he could but he did everytime. And each time he did I feel as if he's reading into my soul and reading my darkest secrets.

That's when my eyes went wide. What if I had a nightmare? He'd know everything. I had to tell itachi somehow with out him knowing. But how was the question. He was smart. Smarter than the average person. He picks up on the smallest details just like my brother does.

I only prayed that it wouldn't happen. He'd be in danger if I did. But for me there was no way to tell when I would get them. It comes randomly.

"Is something the matter?" He asked laying a hand on my back as if to comfort me. I relaxed slightly at his touch.

"No it's just that I was thinking. I don't want to burden you in case I get a nightmare." I said quietly looking down at the floor in shame.

"It's not a problem. I promise I'll help anyway I can." He said softly rubbing circles comfortingly on my back. Somehow it was relaxing and I unconsciously leaned into his touch.

Maybe I wouldn't get a nightmare not with him here I guessed. 

"Well its getting late so I guess we could go get comfortable. I have extra sweats for you.   And a long-sleeve. It gets kind of cold here." I said standing up and grabbing my solid black backpack.

I didn't want it to get any more uncomfortable than it already was. I didn't know if it was making him uncomfortable. I had to do something. Besides it really was getting late. And my brother leaves around this time to go to work. That's if he has some.

Sometimes he doesn't tell me. He just does it. He has multiple clients so its natural that he would get them back to back or the jobs overlap. Like he would do multiple in one night.

I lead him to my small room, which to me was embarrassing. However since I was an Uchiha I didn't let it show. But somehow I knew Neji saw right through me. If he did he didn't say anything and for that I was glad. It was a relief to me.

I walked in and shut the door behind him. I had set my back pack behind the door. He followed suit before walking over to the small bed that was meant for one. Somehow we were going to have to make it work. Two decent size guys fitting on a small twin bed? I believe if we both slept on our side and didn't move, it'd work.

I walked over to my dresser to grab two pairs of sweatpants and long sleeved shirts. I didn't know if he slept with or without a shirt, like most guys without one. But whether or not he did or didn't when he stays the night here he's going to need it.

Wait! Did I just think when he stays? He's not going to stay. I know he isn't.

"I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable sleeping with a long sleeve shirt but it gets cold here at night so you'll need it." I mumbled turning around to hand them to him. I made sure to re-compose myself before turning around to face him of course. He didn't need  to see me so distraught. Especially if it was going to be about him.

"No it's alright. I'll be fine." He said nodding gently taking them from me. He was seated on the edge of my bed watching me. Which made me uncomfortable so I decided to turn around to change. I set my clothes on the bed next to him before changing with my back facing him.

Once I was done I slowly turned around. I was slightly scared to turn around incase he was still changing. But when I saw he was already changed I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding back. Of course that made him chuckle.

"So do you want the wall or edge?" I asked walking over to the light switch, switching it off. Now the only light shining inside my room was the light of the moon streaming in through my small window.

"I'll take the edge if you please." He said softly standing. I simply nodded and crawled onto the bed and scooted all the way up against the wall. I let my back face him. I honestly didn't know if it would be uncomfortable for him or not so I just stayed there. To me it felt like an eternity for him to climb in after me. When in actuality it was probably minutes.

I had shut my eyes to send my mind off to dreamland when I suddenly felt a strong hand wrap itself around my middle and a soft breath on my nape.

That made my eyes snap open and my breath stop. There was no way I was going to be able to compose myself after feeling this. Screw my Uchiha pride, what I needed right now was air and having a hot, gentle, and kind guy next to me wasnt helping me any.

My heart sped up even faster when I thought of the things itachi would say to me if he were to see our position as of right now. Of course he'd yell at me when he knew for sure that we were alone. But that isn't the point. The point was if I were to get caught by him I would be completely and utterly screwed. I was going to be shaming the Uchiha name or what's left of it anyway.

"Goodnight." I heard Neji whisper. I was about to answer but stopped short when I felt soft lips graze my nape ever so gently.

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