chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Sasukes pov


"I almost forgot." I whispered pulling out my phone. I knew Naruto was there right in front of me. "Put your number in my phone."

Naruto looked at me and smiled making my heart skip a beat. Neji was cuter by far but for some reason Naruto makes my heart beat faster. I couldn't understand it. There was something about him that drew me closer to him.

It was dangerous though. Getting close to anyone without knowing who my target was.

I couldn't help it though. But you know what Itachi doesn't know wont hurt him. I know he'll find out eventually but hopefully it'll be too late.

"You have a few messages." Naruto said handing me my phone back. I frowned hearing this.

Did he go through my phone?

"Lemme see." I said taking my phone back. They were from Itachi.


3 New messages


He knows about you!
He's coming for us!

Hello???  Are you getting these?

My eyes widened in fear. My hand went up to my mouth covering it afraid. I was about to cry. I had just seen him. He was coming for me. He knew I was here.

"Hey what's wrong?" Naruto asked worried. He placed a hand gently on my shoulder trying to calm me down as my breathing became erratic.

Naruto frowned knowing nothing was going to calm me. So he decided to see what was the source of my new fear. He wanted to see what had me so afraid.

"Let's get you out of here alright." Naruto whispered putting my phone in his pocket. I knew what he said but my body wouldn't move. I was too afraid.

He was on campus after all. He wasn't too far from me. He knew my school schedule. It wasn't safe for me here anymore.

"Sasuke. Listen to me. If Itachi's talking about who I think he is then we have to hurry. Ok? We have to get you out of here." Naruto whispered grabbing my shoulders. I snapped out of my trance and nodded.

He said nothing just put a finger to his lips to tell me to keep quiet. I didn't know what to do or where to go so I nodded. He grasped my hand gently and tugged on it. He lead me to an open gate. It wasn't the same place Neji lead me to when he helped me escape.

I frowned as we left. I was too afraid to look back. I didn't want to look back because I was afraid he'd be watching. All the while never knowing that we were being followed.  But not by HIM.

Naruto and I ran a few miles never letting go of eachother. My body was filled with adrenaline. I hadn't felt like this since my first kill.


We stopped a few miles away from the school.

"Here. Your phone is ringing." Naruto said handing my phone back to me. I grabbed it and answered it before I even looked to see who it was.

I hoped they weren't anyone important because with Naruto being so close I knew he'd be able to hear.

"Hey Sasuke." It was suigetsu. I rolled my eyes temporarily forgetting Naruto.

"What is it you want? I don't have a job for you yet." I said annoyed.

"How long are you gunna take? He's only one guy!" suigetsu yelled impatiently. I let out a heavy sigh.

"It's my second day!" I yelled back irritated.

"It shouldn't take Itachi that long to find him!" I knew he had bills to pay and he pays them with the money we pay him. We had one month to find this person.

"Wait did you say it was a boy?" I asked frowning. I hadn't known I'd be looking for a boy. I was never told.

"Yeah my brother says its a boy. He'll stand out." Suigetsu explained calming down a bit.

"How do you know this?" I asked skeptical. I crossed my arms standing away from Naruto. That's how I forgot about him and the people following. Which is probably why itachi doesn't let me take any jobs.

"We sent that job to Itachi. It wasn't a job my brother could take. I'm not smart enough to pass the classes at that snobby rich kid school." He answered with a chuckle.

"Ok I get that but who was the client? Why did they go to you? Why not go to an Uchiha?  We are the best there is." I said frowning in confusion.

"We have business with you otherwise it was supposed to be sent to the Hyuga's. My brother pulled some strings. Itachi is older and smarter. But you're younger and can infiltrate a lot of places that itachi can't. You find the guy itachi kills him. It's a clean kill." He explained.

"This job was supposed to go to the Hyuga's?" I asked curious. "Is that why they gave us a month?"

"That's how long we got you. Otherwise this was a 6 month job." Suigetsu said nonchalantly. I felt my blood boil and my anger rising.


"I know you're angry but let me explain..." Suigetsu defended himself.

"Talk fast. I'm losing my patience with you guys." I said calmly. I closed my eyes reining in my fury.

"My brother stole this job from the Hyuga's." Suigetsu was testing my patience.

"Why the hell would you do that?! Do you want to give us more enemies?!" I snapped interrupting him.

"Let me finish...." he said cutting me off.

"Hurry up." I snapped.

"This job pays a lot." He started. I had to do my breathing exercises. "He paid you some of the money early to do the job right?"

"Yes that's right." I answered simply.

"Well, we compromised. We told him the Uchiha's can finish the job 6 times faster then the Hyuga's ever could. That's why he paid you early." He said seriously.

"You moron! They could start a war with us for this?!" I snapped. "Do you ever think?! You know it's only Itachi and myself! What are we gunna do against a while clan?!"

"I'm sorry. You guys needed the money! You strike fear in the hearts of others. Anyone would hire a Hyuga but no one will hire an Uchiha. You know this." Suigetsu did make a good point.

"I know but we if the Hyuga's struck us ..... Suigetsu we wouldn't survive." I said sadly thinking back to the fall of the Uchiha clan 500 years ago.

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