chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sasuke pov

We stayed hidden until my brother got there in a black car with all tinted windows. Although it felt like forever, we were finally jumping down.

I hurried to the car and shoved Neji in the backseat before I hopped in after. It didn't take long for Itachi to take off without question.

Although I knew he was curious but he knew the fact I shoved Neji in with me meant that he had to come.

We didn't dare talk though. We knew the only safe place to talk was behind our four walls.

It took us about 20 minutes to get there. To our crappy run down apartment in the bad side of town.

As we were parking the only thing going through my mind was how much trouble was I in.

We finally stepped inside the apartment living room and the front door had successfully shut.

I sat Neji down on our old raggedy brown couch before facing my brother. As I turned around I saw him glaring at me with his arms crossed standing in the center of the small living with a ceiling light barely staying on.

"Itachi I can explain." I started putting my hands up in front of my in defense. He only frowned harder. I took that as my queue to keep going.

I started fidgeting in fear of my brother. I know he'd never hurt me physically or mentally but somehow I was still afraid. I knew I was in trouble because I brought Neji with me.

I was about to sleep when I felt a soft hand being placed on my shoulder. I glanced to the right of me to see Neji standing there firm. He wasn't smiling but he wasn't frowning either. He had on a neutral look. One of strength. He was giving me support. That in itself gave me the courage to speak up to my angry brother.

"Itachi. I brought him, Neji, here because when I needed an escape he was here and he helped me. Without any explanation of why I needed to leave. He just came and helped me. I'm sorry." I said looking directly up at him. By now I wasnt fidgeting anymore. "I just thought that I had to keep him with me because if that man saw him wandering around campus and knowing I wasnt there he would've taken him."

"You're absolutely right." Itachi said in a stern voice. He wasn't glaring anymore. Instead he had a look of understanding. "But know this he can't know anything for his own sake."

"I understand. The less I know the better." Neji spoke up for the first time since he entered my brothers presence.

"So now that he's here we can't talk freely." Itachi said to me after he gestured to Neji. I frowned at him for being rude but instead I felt a gentle squeeze on my shoulder.

No neji has not let go of my shoulder. He was holding me for reassurance. Reassuring me of course. He didn't seem the least bit scared of my brother. Nor did he look like he was surprised or disgusted as to where we live. For that I was surprised. 

"So what do we do about Neji?" I asked my brother. I was worried for him. He was in too deep already. Just for knowing me and where I live is dangerous enough for him. That in itself will put his life endanger.

"We can do nothing." My brother answered nonchalantly making me frown. "However can you fight?" He asked turning towards him.

"Yes pretty well I might add. And no I am not being conceded. It's simply what I've been told." Neji answered looking back to my brother with a look of confidence.

With the power thats radiating off of him I feel like he can take him on.

"Good. You might need it. For future reference." My brother answered. He wasnt phased one bit by his silent challenge.

"Why?" He asked. He started to frown a little this time.

Here come the questions.

I thought rolling my eyes.

"I told you already. No more answers. For your own sake." Itachi answered walking away. He headed for the kitchen. Seeing as it was lunch already he started to make us some food. Rice balls and veggies were cheap and healthy. So we ate a lot of those. However Neji being here kind of made me feel self conscious as to him seeing my poor living conditions.

I sat down on the couch with him next to me. Close might I add. Our legs brushed up against one another making me snap my head up to him. Except this time I couldn't hold back the blush. Although it only made him smile and chuckle a little bit.

I got embarrassed by that deep chuckle of his so I snapped my head down my lap. He made me nervous and my palms sweat.

Although we were sitting so close to eachother he never laid a finger on me. Nor did he make any moves to get closer then sitting next to one another.

"So how long have you been going to that school?" I asked quietly. I was trying to start up a conversation although it probably failed miserably. Seeing as how nervous I was. He just chuckled at my poor attempt.

"I've been going there for awhile. Although I too was a transfer student." He said smiling. My head snapped up to him so fast my neck hurt for a little bit.

"What?" I asked eyes widening at the news. He just smiled and laughed at my shocked reaction. He didn’t say another word. Just smiled down at me.

Could this be.... I thought to myself. I knew immediately that itachi had also heard.

Please no... Please... , was all I could think of for the rest of the day.

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