chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sasuke  pov

"You were a transfer student?" I asked breathlessly. He looked at me weird. Probably wondering why I was asking him in a such a weird way.

"Yes I was." He answered raising an eye brow at me. I glanced down to my lap hoping, praying that he wouldn't be the one.

"For how long have you been going there?" I asked. I stared at down at my hands. I didnt want to look at him in case he was it.

Itachi said he had something to talk about but he couldn't talk about it. Maybe he had information that wouldn't lead to neji.

Hopefully .

"For a year." He answered looking away. He was staring up at the ceiling. He was probably thinking back to a memory. Were his memories good or bad? I wasnt going to ask though.

"Hey you two come eat lunch." I heard my brother call. I was afraid. Afraid of Neji being our target.

I stood up and glanced to Neji to gesture him to follow but he was already standing.

We headed in the small kitchen to get greeted by itachi setting up our small table for three.

He had cooked rice balls and miso soup. I small. He tried his best to cook a decent meal even with our limited food.

I was glad that Neji didn't mind. He didnt seem bothered by our poor living conditions. Which interested me greatly.

I mean why would neji not mind? He was going to a private school. A school that's practically made for rich kids.

He was different somehow. That much was obvious. I could tell immediately from his reaction upon entering our small apartment. 

I knew my brother saw it right away. That was probably why he went to the kitchen to make food. To get away from suspicion himself and think. Probably to eavesdrop on our conversation. He was picking up things from his answers. He probably saw right through Neji by now.

"It should be close to the end of your seventh period by now. Do you want me to take you back?" Itachi said coming into the living room where Neji and I were now seated after we had finished lunch.

"No it's fine. You can take me back later." He replied looking back to him, who was standing in the doorway to the living room.

We had a hallway, a small one that led to the back rooms. There was only 2 bedrooms and one bathroom. A small kitchen, dining room, and a small living room. That was our apartment.

"Are you sure?" He asked frowning. I knew what he was thinking. We couldn't talk privately with him here or else he'll be in danger. He was also very suspicious. Suspicious about why he Neji had refused to go home.

I was right. He wasnt any ordinary kid.

"Yes I'm sure. I'll be fine." He replied simply. He had a neutral face on. He wasnt going to let up or say anything else on the matter. That was obvious. It was like he was challenging him. Too bad my brother mature enough to ignore it. Neji wasnt challenging him to start a fight randomly. It was simply to protect himself. And with good reason.

"Alright then just let me know what time you'd like to go home." Itachi said putting up his neutral front again.

Neji nodded before turning his attention back to me. He waited for Itachi to leave the room before we resumed our conversation.

I wasnt about to let him into my room or any of the back rooms. He didnt seem to care though. He was a gentleman through and through. Even if he flirts inconspicuously.

Time seemed to fly by and it was soon growing dark. We just talked about random things like the town and its history. We also talked about our previous schools.

I told him how I always got into fights with the other kids. I never lost of course. It wasnt that I started them it was just that since I stayed to myself they thought they could jump me. It was also probably because I stole all the girls attention, even if it was unintentional. I even told them that to but they didn't seem to care.

Apparently at his old school it was more of a military style. It was very uniform and he had to live and follow the rules or else he'll be punished. He's been punished before. He said they had used a technique that made it seem like they were turning your brains to mush. He hated every second of it. He had to live on campus so that made it ten times worse.

So as soon as he got the invitation to go to this private academy he accepted and left. He said he had to live with his uncle because his cousin ,Hinata apparently her name was, was going here

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