chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Sasukes  pov

I had entered the class with Neji and once again I had to introduce myself. However I frowned when the only open desk was in the corner at the front of the room opposite the door. I was also the farthest from Neji.

It was history and the thing I had to open my page to this class was the thing itachi and I tried so hard to avoid.

We were learning about the Uchiha's. our clan made the history books. I'm glad only the teachers know about me. Hopefully they can keep their mouths shut or they're really fucking stupid.

"So class we'll be discussing the history of the Uchiha clan." Asuma sensei said turning around to write our clan symbol on the board.

I held my hand to my forehead in annoyance. Man I couldn't ever get away. Not from the tragic past. Ever. It follows me everywhere. I was an Uchiha afterall.

"I'm sure everyone knows the tragedy that occurred that ended them all?" He asked as he started looking around. Why? I asked myself. Why did his eyes land on me? In that moment I wanted him to just burn. Burn and disappear.

"Hey Sasuke. Did you study this at uour other school?" He asked putting me on the spot.

"Yes we're past this." I lied. I knew that I was    going to have to answer this question.

"So you already studied the history of the Uchiha's? Alright lets hear it." He said smiling. He looked at me knowingly.

This damn teacher. He knows. Or suspects.

"Well it all started at night. They were searching for there lost child. The youngest had been kidnapped." I started looking down at my textbook. I pretended as if I was  reading from the book. But as I looked down I wanted bang my head against the desk as I saw this wasnt the information he wanted.

"I've never heard that story kid." Asuma sensei looked at me confused. He squinted his eyes at me. Almost knowingly.

Damn it.

"What story are you telling?" He asked slowly walking over. He started to peer at my text book to see what exactly I was reading and when he looked down he knew it was coming from memory.

"Sorry it was from my other school." I lied again. Man if I didnt get this covered up itachi was going to beat my ass in.

"Hmm well continue then I'm curious." He said squinting down at me with his arms crossed.

I was thinking about another lie I could say that could possibly think of to get myself out of this situation, when the phone rang.

"Hold that thought." He said before walking away to answer it. I suddenly felt a vibration. I knew I had another incoming message.

I decided to check now that I could. I stuck my backpack on my lap and put my phone inside.

I have some more
information. I need
to talk to you as soon
as you come home.

                  Yeah ok.

I replied quickly. I glanced up to see the teacher on the phone still as well as the other students writing down notes. All Neji. He was watching me. Closely. Frowning.

He nodded his head towards me. That mustve meant that the other message was from him.

I glanced back down to my phone to open the other message. I had used all my willpower to keep myself from blushing at the name he was under.

This damn idiot. After school I'm changing his name.

Your sexy man:
How do you know that story?

I can't say.

Your sexy man:
You can trust me.

Its not my intention to
lie to you. Its just
that I can't say.

Your sexy man:
Someone's holding you
back from saying??

If I answer your
questions I'll get in trouble.

Your sexy man:
You have to get permission.
Don't you?


Your sexy man:
Ok. I'm here when you do.
Or don't. Either way I'm
on your side.


"Sasuke go up to the office. Someone's here for you." Asuma sensei said as he hung up the phone.

He sure was on the phone for a while for him to just say that.

"Ok." I said packing up my things. I headed out of the room but I glanced towards Neji and nodded slightly. Knowing only he would understand me.

I was walking down the empty hallway of the school thinking. Itachi was here. But he texted me we would talk after school at home. So why was he here? Or was it someone else?

These thoughts ran through my head as I walked through the halls. My eyes widened greatly when I saw whose car was out front.

My body froze and my heart stopped.

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