chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Sasukes pov

I woke up the next morning with my legs intertwined with his. His arms were still wrapped around me tightly. One hand on my waist pulling me closer the other on my upper back preventing me from leaving. It was probably to keep me comforted as I slept.

I am heartbroken at watching my love leave me all because he wanted to save me. He never wanted me to get caught.

I started sniffling as tears started to silently drop onto Neji. I tried my best to keep quiet as I quiet as I cuddled further into him. I didn't want to wake him just because I was heartbroken.

When I watched my love walk away from me into harms way hurt me deeper then any blade ever could. And I could do nothing about it.

"What's wrong?" I heard Neji ask softly into my hair. I glanced up to see his eyes still shut. I felt bad for waking him but I couldn't help it. It hurt me so deep knowing my love was alive this whole time and the minute I reunite with him he sacrifices himself for me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered nuzzling my face into his chest hiding. I felt a soft hand on my head.

"Shh... it's ok Sasuke. He'll be alright." He whispered softly soothingly. "You and I both know how strong he is." He was trying to give me hope. However I don't know if I wanted it. I didn't want to get my hopes up just for them to be broken down in an instant.

"Please Neji. Don't give me hope." I said in a shaky voice. He was rubbing circles on my back in a way to comfort me. Though it wasn't working. My heart was too broken from me losing Naruto a second time.

It seemed as it the world was against me and Naruto being together. That thought alone depressed me even more. I had lost hope the minute Naruto walked into that car.

I loved him with every fiber of my being. Nothing in the world means more to me than him.

"Sasuke. I promise he's alive. Trust me. Ok?" Neji said confidently. When he said that I looked up tears staining my face and surely his night shirt but I saw him smiling down at me. He loved me it was obvious. Yet he was willing to help me be with the one I truly loved.

"You sure? How?" I whispered hope leaking into my voice. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it but the look on Neji's face then told me he was speaking the truth. Naruto was really going to be ok.

"Yes Sasuke. I'm sure." He said kissing my forehead. His lips barely touching me but light enough to where he actually kissed me.

I promise I'll get you the love of your life.

"Thank you." I said softly thanking him. I smiled down into his chest as I made that vow. He has always been there to help me time and time again. It was my turn to help him. And I wasnt going to quit until he had his love.

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