chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sasukes pov

"Hey little brother. Wake up. Its time for school." I was woken up by the soft voice of my brother. Opening my eyes slowly I looked up to see Neji was already dressed and ready to head out of the door.

"What time is it?" I asked groggy. I wiped
My eyes before stretching and sitting up.

"You have 5 minutes brother." Itachi said walking towards the door. Hearing that made my eyes snap open

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" I snapped throwing the blankets off and ripping through my drawers for a uniform.
Once I saw one nicely folded together I yanked it out and threw it on not even bothering to iron it. I figured it was nice enough. It didn't have that many wrinkles.

"We tried but you were in too deep of a sleep. Come I have toast on the counter. You can eat it on the way." Itachi said guiding us out.

I ran into the bathroom brushed my hair as quickly as I could and brushed my teeth. I had to do it within the span of 30 seconds. But hey at least it got the morning breath out.

Once I deemed myself ready I ran back into the room grabbed my phone, backpack and shoes and ran out of the door locking it.

I saw the car already started so I jumped in the front seat and started putting my shoes on. Meanwhile my brother sped out of the driveway and down the road.

I quickly shoved the food in my mouth and dusted the remaining crumbs off of my shirt and pants. We made it one minute before the bell rang. We parted ways waving to eachother.

I opened my first period door just as the bell rang. I heard the teacher sigh as I took my seat.

Halfway through the period I realized something. Neji was able to keep up with me. No one is supposed to be able to do that. My brother and I worked in the assassin business.

My eyes grew wide as I realized. Neji was possibly in the assassin business.  He said so last night but he had kissed me to shut me up.

My heart clenched as I thought about all the scenarios. He either was genuinely into me or he wasn't. He possibly kissed me so I wouldn't ask any more questions and he succeeded.

Did he purpose wake me up late so that I wouldn't have any time to ask questions? I wondered. What was his endgame, I thought.

Had he known I was coming? Was he on the same mission as my brother and I?

Did he know I was there for the kid? Did he know who I was there for? Was he watching me?

He had told me yesterday that he was a transfer student too.

Oh fuck.

Hey big brother Neji
said something interesting
that you should know about.

A few minutes later I immediately got a reply from my brother.

What was it?
Is it something to be
worried about?

I believe it is.

As soon as I sent the message to my brother I put my phone away and thought of what I was going to say.

Was I really going to tell my brother about Neji? Did I want to him to get hurt? It was a possibility that he was going to get assassinated by my brother.

It was a possibility that he was an enemy of my brother and I. If that were true then that meant he didn't have a crush on me. That would hurt me deep if he was. I had grown to like him.

What was I going to do? What would I do if I was told to kill him? What if he was our target? I honestly doubted it as soon as that thought crossed my mind. Another assassin wouldn't be our target.

The only problem we had was finding out if the assassin was friend or foe. If he turned out to be foe than we would have to rethink our strategy.

To be honest I was hoping he was just there by chance. But that was a long shot. Would it also be a long shot that he spent the night "on a whim" by chance as well?

There was no problem in hoping. But I knew my brother would soon find out and let me know.


There it was. The answers that I wanted. The answers that lead me to know if he was friend or foe and if he really was in the same business or not.

My brother leaves nothing out of his research. If it involves me then he is quick about it. He wants me safe at all times.

I glanced around the classroom to see if anyone was looking. Satisfied that no one was watching I silently and slowly pulled out my phone.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before finally looking down to see who the message was from and what it said.

When I saw it was indeed from Itachi I opened the text.

Nothing could prepare me for what it said.

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