the beginning..

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TW! ed related behaviors, swear words

Dream shoots up from his bed. His face drenched in sweat. He sees Patches curled up in his bed next to him.  He glares at the wall in front of him. 'What the hell?' he thinks. He glances at the alarm clock next to him. 4:37am gleams in red. 'What a strange dream.' Dream frowns, upset his sleep was disturbed.

'Whatever. I might as well just get up,' Dream rises from his bed stumbling. Stars cloud his vision for a moment. Dream places his hand on his wall to steady himself. 'Shit.' 15 seconds pass. Dream's stomach growls angerly. He punches it lightly. Dream scowls and walks to his bathroom.

Dream opens the door and turns on the light. He grabs a handful of water and splashes himself in the face with it. He dries his face off with a towel and stares into his reflection. He scowls at the face in the mirror. He shakes his head quickly and looks at the scale on the ground. He sighs and begins to undress. He closes his eyes, looks up, and steps on the scale. He holds his breath and barely dares to look down. He eventually does.

Dream peaks an eye open at the scale. He feels empty. Both physically and mentally. He steps off the scale and exits the bathroom. He sees Patches is awake now and is stretching on his bed. He walks over to her and pets her gently. She purrs. "Hi, baby." Dream mumbles. He pets her for a bit before walking over to his closet. He picks out a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. (i had to) He quickly dresses himself and walks back over to his bed.

The alarm clock now reads 5:06am. He grabs his phone from off his nightstand and unplugs it. 'I wonder if George is awake right now,' Dream questions. 'I'll text him.' Dream decides. He goes to the message thread and types his message.

u up? lol

He sends it without much thought. He decides to play games on his phone to pass time. Patches is back asleep again and laying on Dream's legs purring contently. Around 5 minutes pass before Dream gets a text back from George.

Yeah haha why are you up so early?

Dream decides not to tell George about his nightmare. 'No reason to make him worry, right?' His mind decides that's a good enough excuse and answers George's text.

idk actually. I just woke up early for some reason

Oh well thats weird

Dream laughs to himself. 'Typical George.' He thinks.

anyway you wanna play some minecraft or smth

Yeah sure gimme a second to get on

alright. Dream replies.

He walks over to his computer and boots it up. He sits down in his chair and logs into minecraft. Not long after he sits down he gets a discord message.

Wanna call?

He decides not reply and just rings George. George's face comes up on his monitor. He's in a long sleeve night shirt. "Hello, Dream." He says. "Hello, Georgie." Dream replies teasingly. Dream sees George roll his eyes playfully. "Wanna hop on the smp? Or do you just wanna play normal minecraft?" George asks. Dream thinks for a moment. "Let's just play normal minecraft." George nods his head.

George makes the server and Dream logs on. They have a typical spawn and begin getting wood. Minutes turn to hours as Dream and George mess around. "DREAM!" George yells as Dream punches his character into a ravine. Dream wheezes as George's death message appears in the bottom left hand corner. Dream looks at George on his monitor and laughs. George is pouting. "That wasn't funny, Dream." George whines. Dream wheezes even harder. He picks his phone off of the table and reads the time. 7:49am "Well George, I better get off. I have to feed Patches." "Alright. Talk to you later?" George asks curiously. Dream nods his head and then realizes George can't see him. Dream stutters, feeling like an idiot. "Yeah, sure! See you later man." George waves and then ends the call.

Dream turns his chair around and stands up. He stretches and feels satisfied when he hears multiple pops. He leaves his room and walks into his kitchen, Patches trailing quickly behind him. She meows loudly. "I'm getting you food." He says and grabs the cat food off of his shelf. He pours the food into her bowl almost mechanically. He stands up and walks to his fridge. He grabs a water bottle and downs it quickly. He wipes his mouth and sighs.

okay so here's the first chapter done lol hope you enjoyed

p.s please tell me if the texting part was confusing

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