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tw! eating disorders, body checking, swearing, depressive thoughts, panic attack,  a lot of angst :(

Dream quickly throws on his sandals and walks out to his car. It's slightly colder than normal. He stops for a second and wonders if he should grab a jacket. 'Fuck it.' Dream thinks. He opens his car door and gets into the drivers seat.

Dream starts his car and pulls out of his driveway. He connects his phone to the car speaker and plays music. Luckily, his destination is not far so he arrives in under 5 minutes. He stops in the parking lot and turns off his car. He unplugs his phone, putting it in his pocket and gets out.

He walks into the store and grabs a cart. He gets basic necessities first, avoiding the food section. After he grabs the things he needs he decides to at least look at the food isle. He goes to the soup isle and looks around. He stares at the food, scowling. 'I look like an idiot.' He thinks. 'This is stupid. I'm leaving.' He walks to a self-checkout machine and scans his items.

'I feel like everyone is looking at me.' He thinks. He quickly scans his items, almost dropping them. He grabs the bags and walks out of the store. He gets into his car and starts it. He drives out of the parking lot in silence. 'I feel disgusting.' He looks into his mirror and scowls. He shakes his head lightly and looks back to the road.

He gets home pretty quickly and parks in his driveway. He gets out of his car and grabs the bags out of the backseat. He walks inside his house and takes off his shoes. He sets the bags down on his kitchen counter and shivers. He begins to unload the bags and puts the items where they belong.

After he's finished, he walks into his bedroom and goes to the mirror. He looks at his reflection in disgust. 'I look huge.' He quickly looks away a sits down on the floor. His face feels hot and he can feel the tears falling from his eyes. He wipes his tears with his sleeves and stares at the wall.

His thoughts run wild. 'I can't do anything right.' He feels more tears well up in his eyes. His face burns. 'Can't even starve correctly. I'm so worthless.' He tries to take a deep breath but he can't. He begins to panic.

In his panic filled mind, he picks up his phone and rings his emergency contact. They pick up after a couple rings. "Dream?" George asks. "Help. Please. I can't breathe." "Oh. Oh! Okay, Clay, where are you right now?" George questions. "On the floor, in my bedroom." "Okay, that's good. So you're safe?" Dream listens intently to George's voice. He doesn't answer the question but he slowly begins to calm down.

"Clay? You there?" George asks. "Uh. Yeah. I'm feeling a bit better." Dream stutters out. "Can you just keep talking? Please?" "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that." George begins to talk about random things. Minecraft, his family, plans for the future. Slowly Dream feels his breathing return to normal.

"How are you feeling now?" George asks him, his tone soft. "A lot better. Thank you." "You're welcome. Thank you for coming to me. I'm glad I could help." "I think I'm gonna get some water and then head to bed." Dream says. "Okay, you do that. Call me if you need anything, alright?" George requests. "I will. See ya." "Goodbye." 

Dream ends the call and slowly stands up. He opens his door and walks to his kitchen. He gets a water bottle and chugs it. He walks back into his bedroom and walks into his bathroom. He dries the tears and quickly walks back into his bedroom. He sees Patches already curled up in his bed. He smiles softly and lays down. He lays in the dark, breathing slowly.

He thinks of George and all he's done for him. His face gets hot once again. He slowly drifts off to sleep with Patches cuddled up to him.

okay this chapter was kind of hard to write. so much angst omg

𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗲𝗮𝘁. (𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now