dream fucked up

466 14 15

im back hi this was supposed to be fluff i dont know what happened.. tell me if you see any mistakes (:

tw! fainting, swearing, eating disorders

"Are we almost there?" Dream asks for a third time. "Yes, Dream." George sighs. Sapnap giggles at George's exasperation. "What are you laughing at?" George asks accusingly. Dream perks up, sensing an argument.

"I'm laughing at you, idiot," Sapnap shoots back. Before George can make another remark, Sapnap pulls into a driveway. Presumably his.

"George, why don't you bring Dream inside? I'll get his stuff." Sapnap says. "Alright."

'I'm not a child.' Dream thinks as George drags him out of the car. George grips his hand and brings him to the door. It's unlocked. He pushes the door open and pushes Dream inside.

He stumbles a little, but gains his footing and looks around. It's not like his house, not by a long shot. It seems a little run down even, but he likes it. It feels like Sapnap strangely enough.

"Hey Dream, Come here." George says, beginning to walk up the stairs. Dream blinks and looks up after him. 'I didn't even see that.' He chuckles. He turns and follows George obediently.

George leads him down a corridor and into a room on his left. When he walks in he's welcomed by the easy light swimming in from the windows. In the center of the room, there is a king sized bed covered with a blue quilt. The white pillows shine in the mid-day light.

"Woah." Dream says, before he can help himself. "This is our room." George says. 'Our?' A voice in his head thinks.

"I hope you don't mind sharing a bed, I mean, if you do I can sleep on the couch or something." George rants, cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. "No it's fine." Dream smiles at him, his face warm.

Both Dream and George are startled by the front door slamming. "That must be Sapnap. I'll be back." George walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him.

Dream sits down on the bed and sighs. His heart pounds erratically in his chest. From the lack of eating or from George he can't tell. He places a hand on his chest, on the bruise, and wills himself to calm down. 'No big deal! I can totally handle this. It's just George.'





George shuts the door gently, leaving Dream alone. He walks back down the corridor and down the stairs. He greets Sapnap in the kitchen. Dream's stuff is sitting on the floor in front of the island.

"Why the fuck does he have so much stuff?" Sapnap asks, obviously winded. George just shrugs. "Did you show him where he's staying? What did he say about the whole sharing a bed thing?" "He said he's fine with it. You didn't plan this, did you?" George asks suspiciously. "Plan what?" Sapnap asks innocently.

"Don't play like that. You know what I mean. The whole sharing a bed thing." Sapnap sighs then looks him in the eye. "Listen, It's only something if you make it something." He winks at him. George's brow furrows in confusion. "What do you mean?" He asks. Sapnap laughs. "Nothing." He replies, making George even more confused.

"Whatever. Anyway, After we get everything situated, what do you want to do?" He asks. "Hmm," Sapnap thinks. "Well, We could watch a movie or something. Why don't you go ask Dream what he wants to do." George nods and walks back up the stairs.

When he enters their room, Dream is sitting on the bed, obviously lost in thought. "Dream?" George asks. The taller man jumps and looks at George with wide eyes. "Uh, yeah?" "Are you, like, good? You seemed pretty lost in thought there."

"Oh. Yeah." He says, downcast. George stares him down for a moment. Dream looks away, cheeks flushed. "Okay. Well, After Sapnap and I bring your stuff up here, would you like to watch a movie or something?" He asks. "I can help bring my stuff up here! You guys don't have to do everything for me." Dream scowls. He stands up from the bed quickly. George watches with horror as Dream goes down just as fast as he stood up. "Oh shit!" He yells.

George can feel the panic shoot through him as Dream collides with the floor. Sapnap slams open the door. "What was that noise? What the fuck? What happened to him?" He says as he grabs Dream. He lifts him up bridal style and lays him on the bed. Sapnap looks at him. "Hello? George?" George just stares.

He doesn't realize Sapnap is in front of him until he hears fingers snapping in his face. "Earth to George. What the fuck happened?" He asks anxiously. "I don't know, He just stood up to fast and then he fainted or something. I don't fucking know." George puts his head in his hands. His throat feel tight.

"Shit, I need to go see something. I'll be right back. Stay with him." Sapnap says. He leaves before George can say anything, shutting the door behind him.

George walks over to the side opposite of Dream and sits down. He focuses on the wall in front of him at first, but his treacherous eyes eventually land on Dream. He studies his strangely prominent cheekbones and the bruise like bags under his eyes. George's eyes trace down his arms, looking at his skeleton like hands.

George reaches his own hand out and grabs Dream's. His is smaller height wise, but Dream's is thinner. He interlocks their fingers, tracing shapes onto the other boys hand. He looks down at the ground, a familiar feeling swarming in his chest.

George kicks off his shoes and lays next to Dream. He watches the blonde's chest rise and fall in a soothing rhythm. George's eyes shut once, twice, and he falls asleep.

longer chapter since its been like months since an update (: also poor dream. hope he'll be okay ;)
BTW i made a new spotify playlist for this fic! the link is in my bio if you want to check it out (:

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