my heart might stop beating

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you can thank addict_3d for pestering me about this chapter ( go follow them they write punznap )

tw! crying, eating disorders, swearing, lots of angst. you have been warned. enjoy ..

George stirs when Sapnap taps him on the shoulder the next morning. It's still dark out. He doesn't fully awaken until his mind reminds him of the previous nights accident.

He shoots up, almost bonking Sapnap with his head in the process. "It's okay, George. Just me. Come outside with me?" Sapnap whispers. George stares at him trying to remember where he is. He glances over at Dream, the same Dream who seems to have not moved at all over the night.

"Yeah, okay." George says. Sapnap turns and doesn't wait for George. He leaves the brunette haired boy alone. George stands, knees wobbling, and walks over to the dresser. He grabs his pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of the small bag in the drawer. 'Emergencies only my ass.' He thinks and turns to follow Sapnap outside.

Once he leaves through the front door, he finds Sapnap sitting on the steps of the porch. George joins him. The ground is wet and it makes George a little uncomfortable.

He pulls out a cigarette from the pack and lights it, putting it to his mouth. Sapnap finally looks at him. "I thought you quit." The disappointment in his voice is clear but George finds he doesn't have it in him to care.

He brings his knees up to his chest and leans his chin on them. Sapnap sighs audibly but drops the subject. "What's wrong? Why'd you wanna come out here? It's wet." George says distastefully.

"I wanted to talk with you." "No shit." George interrupts. He laughs then waves at Sapnap to tell him to continue. Sapnap's eyebrows furrow in annoyance for a moments but he sighs and continues.

"I think Dream has an eating disorder." He says it with such confidence that George doesn't quite understand him at first. It's like his ears have filled with cotton, or his heart is gonna stop beating. Either one. Sapnap stares at him. To know when he's going to reply or to gauge whether he's going to pass out or not, George can't tell.

"What." George says eventually. Because that's all he can say. Sapnap breathes a sigh of relief then begins explaining.

"Look at him, man! He's so thin, when I picked him  up he felt like nothing. No wonder he's been acting weird. He's been starving himself. I can't believe I didn't see it before. God I'm such an idiot. You have to of seen it, right? Don't tell me we've been watching him suffer." Sapnap rambles.

George can't hear him anymore. Sapnap might of been talking with a wall at this point. All he can think about is Dream. His Dream. His mind is screaming at him that it isn't true, but he knows that it is. Deep down, he knows it has to be true. That's why everything hurts.

Sapnap stops talking when he realizes he and George aren't the only ones out here anymore. Dream, in all his glory, is standing behind them.

"Holy shit! Dream, what the hell are you doing?Wait, are you okay?" Sapnap yells.

George's heart begins to beat again before he notices Dream. Once he looks at him though, he wishes he didn't. Dream has tears running down his face. Even then George still thinks he looks pretty.

Sapnap stands and quickly wraps Dream in a hug. Dream doesn't respond. George stays seated. The silence is broken my the most heart wrenching sound.

"i'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad, Nick. I promise I'll do better." Dream sobs as his hands finally come to Sapnap's back. He holds on to him.

Sapnap shushes him and grips him tight. George is looking back and forth between them, unsure of what to do. Finally, he rubs his cigarette into the ground, stands up and turns to walk back into the house. He doesn't look back at Sapnap, doesn't react to Dream sobbing even harder. He leaves and doesn't look back.

im sorry for this chapter i almost cried while writing it

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