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Hello my readers. i have not updated in who-knows-how-long and i'm sorry to say that this break will last a little longer.

I live in America and right's just all gone to sh!t. What happened yesterday was an act of terrorism by extremists and insurrectionists within our country. These Trump supporters were encouraged by our VERY OWN PRESIDENT to attack the Capitol of the United States and the very democracy of the U.S. They were moved by his lies and his ignorance, yet their actions were all for nothing. It didn't change the outcome of the election. Biden won and Trump lost yet his inability to accept that loss brought this upon us. It is so hard to watch knowing that they are getting away with such behavior. I can't focus and nothing is on my mind other than the events of yesterday. (if you don't know, check out CNN or The New York Times) These extremists put peoples lives at risk and the police didn't bat an eye. Five deaths occurred at the attack last night. One woman was shot, three others died of medical issues, and a police officer was killed on Capitol Hill. Not to compare the two events but during BLM protests, which were CALM and PEACEFUL, police beat people up, threw tear gas at them, and used brutal force against the crowds including guns. 10,000 BLM protesters were arrested. During the riots of last night, which was VIOLENT and DANGEROUS, police stood idly by, let people through, and stood there watching as these ARMED people invaded the Capitol. Only 53 people were arrested last night. The ignorance of our own POLICE FORCE is right in front of our eyes and we've let it go on for way too long.

I cannot focus on anything right now nor do I feel motivated to do much. If I can I will give you guys a chapter for ONE or more of my stories but for now, there will probably not be another chapter coming anytime soon.

Thank you for all the continuous support. I love you guys! <3 <3 

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