Final Farewell

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Ryujin POV
"Ryujin! Wake up. You need to get ready." Lia whispered in my ear as she gently shook me awake.

I groaned as I groggily grabbed my phone from my bedside table.

The light shined in my face as I made out the time.


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"Ugh." I complained as I buried myself deeper into my blankets. "I don't wanna get up!"

"You have to Ryujin. You don't wanna miss your flight." Lia said to me as she removed my blankets, making me shiver as the cold air hit me.

"C'mon. Yuna and Chaeryoung are getting ready...and Yeji's making breakfast for us."

Yeji's up!? Is she coming!?

At Lia's words I shot out of bed grabbing my clothes I had laid out and sprinting to the bathroom.

"She is!?" I exclaimed as I began changing.

"Wait who's driving!?" I asked her as I exited the bathroom. Thankfully, we'd already put all my luggage in the car yesterday.

"Yeji." Lia stated smiling.

"So she's driving AND making breakfast! Is she coming to say goodbye!?" I asked Lia as we walked to the kitchen together.

"She's driving us. That's all I know." She spoke truthfully.

"Hey guys!" I said as we entered the kitchen.

"Unnie, why did you have to pick such an early flight." Yuna spoke quietly, her voice slightly muffled by her head resting on her arm.

"I didn't want it either Yuna. The manager chose this one." I said laughing slightly at her sleepy state.

"C'mon guys. Let's eat breakfast and then get going!" Yeji said as she placed the plates of food in front of us.

"Thank you Yeji." I said smiling slightly at her.

"You're welcome Ryujin." She said returning the smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the three other girls huddling together, staring at us intensely.

"Yah!" Yeji shouted at the three girls. "Eat you food or I will!" At her words they immediately sat up and began eating their food hungrily.

I chuckled at their actions and shared a look with Yeji.

Maybe we'll be okay after all. I thought to myself as my smile grew wider.

Time skip to the airport(Still Ryujin POV)

I don't know why I was expecting anything.

When Lia, Yuna, and Cheryoung came to see me off, the thought crossed my mind.

But Yeji stayed back, hands in her pockets, and her head down unable to meet my gaze.

I knew she probably wouldn't say goodbye but it will hurt and I tried not to show it.

Turning around, I began walking to my terminal and my gate.

(Yeji POV)

I stayed behind as Yuna, Lia, and Cheryoung said their goodbyes.

I wanted to say goodbye but it would hurt too much.

Knowing that 'goodbye' would be the last thing I'll say to Ryujin for two years...I couldn't do it.

Maybe I can't confess my feelings to her right now, but...I wanted to at least say something.

(Ryujin POV)

I'd just began walking to my terminal when a hand grabbed my own and turned me around.

"Stay safe and...come back soon."

Yeji said while she awkwardly patted my shoulder in a form of goodbye.

"Oh! Uh...tha...thanks." I stuttered in reply.

Both of us stood there in awkward silence.

"Boarding for flight number 17A to Los Angeles, California is starting now."
The overhead speaker announced my flight pushing me to speak.

"I should probably get going."

"Oh! Yeah...bye Ryujin." Yeji spoke, her voice quiet.

"Bye Yeji." I said as I began walking backwards.

She smiled and waved before heading back to where the others were waiting.

I stood there for a while, motionless. A small frown grew on my face as I watched Yeji walk away, knowing I wouldn't see her for two years.

Sighing heavily, I took one last look at her before I turned back around and boarded the plane.


Word count: 653

Hello readers! It has been a while since this story has had a chapter and I sincerely apologize. I am actually in Utah right now on vacation and it has been hard because their is almost no cell service. But anyways, I hope you liked this chapter of my Itzy fanfic and thank you all so much for reading this! ❤️

 But anyways, I hope you liked this chapter of my Itzy fanfic and thank you all so much for reading this! ❤️

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