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Yeji POV

Ryujin's been gone for two weeks and I already miss her. How am I gonna last two years?! WHY DOES AMERICA HAVE TO BE SO FAR AWAY?!!?

Ugh...I wonder how she's doing in America?


What if she met someone?

What if she already has someone else in her life and when she finally comes back after two years she'll be MARRIED?!



"AHH!" I screamed loudly, falling off my bed at the sudden noise.

I turned to see Chaeryoung towering over me with a stern glare.

"What?" I asked hesitantly.

"I called your name like ten times!" She cried out exasperatedly.

"Oh...I'm sorry. I was thinking." I said vaguely.

"About Ryujin?" She asked me.

"What? n...no." I mumbled.

Damnit I stuttered.

"Uh huh. Yeji you told me about your nightmare fantasy where Ryujin finds someone else and is married by the time she comes back." She stated making me look away in embarrassment.

"Well shit." I whispered.

"C'mon we're gonna be late for dance." She said as she grabbed my arm dragging me out of the room.

"fine." I said begrudgingly.

It was harder for me to enjoy dance. I was constantly reminded of Ryujin and my members noticed it, not that wasn't obvious.

Time skip (after dance)

"Yeji wait!" Lia called out as we entered the dorm.

"Yeah?" I answered tiredly.

"We need to talk." She said.

"Okay. What about?" I asked taking a seat on the couch across from the other three.

"Well..." Lia was cut of by Yuna.

"You Yeji!" She cried out. "You're miserable! We know how hard this is for you but we don't know what else to do! It sucks seeing you so sad all the time and it sucks even more because it makes us feel so useless! We want to help you but we don't know how! I don't know what to do anymore, I just want this to stop." She finished speaking and we could all see how close she was to crying.

I made Yuna cry. Me.

The thought made me cry softly, our sobs mixing together into one sound.

"I'm sorry Yuna. Don't cry." I whispered as I sat next to her pulling her into a gentle embrace.

I need to do something.

I stood up abruptly startling the other girls. Without a word, I went to my closet, grabbed my suitcase, and threw it on the bed.

"Yeji what are you doing?" Lia asked as the girls followed me, all equally curious.

"Fixing this." I said as I began packing. "Y-you mean you're-" I cut Yuna off.

"Going to America? Yes! I am going to America because I can't take it anymore! Please don't try to stop me. I need to do this." I pleaded with the girl in front of me.

The room was dead silent as we all turned to Lia, patiently waiting for the verdict. Lia was younger than me but we all treated her as our mother and always went to her for advice.

"You don't need that many jackets. It's too hot in L.A." She noted as she began reorganizing my belongings. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and smiled fondly.

"Thank you." I spoke, my voice soft.

"Your welcome unnie. C'mon let's finish packing. Baby can you go grab the computer so we can book a ticket?" The maknae nodded and hurried to grab the laptop from the other room.

"You're really doing this." Chaeryoung stated as she laid some shirts down into the bag.

"Yeah, I am."

I'm really doing this.

Yeji POV(at the airport)

"Aish..why are all my children leaving me?" Lia asked as she refused to let me go.

"We're still here!" Chaeryoung cried out gesturing to her and Yuna who stood next to her with an amused expression on her face.

"Oh yeah...you two." Lia said.

"Yes! You have them. Can you let me go now? I can't breath." I asked for the tenth time that day.

"Hmmmm nope." Lia responded as she held me tighter making the two younger girls snicker.

"Yuna please come get your girlfriend." I said turning to the maknae as my last resort.

She smiled and came up to us wrapping her arms around her clingy girlfriend and dragging her away.

"Call us when you land, okay?" Lia said from beside Yuna. I nodded. "Okay. Thank you." I said as I turned away and headed to my terminal.

I turned one last time to see the three of them standing side by side waving to me.

I waved back before turning around and heading to catch my flight.

My flight to Ryujin.

I'm coming Ryujin. Wait for me.


Word count: 792

Helloooooo dear readers! I am sorry for such a short chapter. I will try to write more next time. Thank you for 1.3k reads!!! I am sorry for the delay and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you all so much! STREAM NOT SHY! ♥️♥️

 Love you all so much! STREAM NOT SHY! ♥️♥️

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