Two stubborn girls, One more week, and Lots of tears

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Lia's POV

One more week. 

One more week until Ryujin leaves. 

These past three weeks have been absolute torture for both Ryujin and Yeji. 

For the first week, Ryujin tried to speak to Yeji and reason with her but Yeji avoided her at all costs. Ryujin took the hint and they haven't spoken since. 

Even in practice they won't speak to each other. 

It hurts because I know Ryujin doesn't want to leave Yeji. And I know Yeji doesn't want Ryujin to leave. But they're just too stubborn. 

Yuna, Chaeryoung, and I have tried everything. But it doesn't matter. They won't have anything to do with each other. 

"Unnie?" I hear my girlfriend speak up from beside me. 

Turning my head I respond, "Yes Yuna?" She hesitates and I look down at her hands to see her fiddling with them, a nervous habit of hers. 

"What will happen to Ryujin and Yeji?" She whispered nervously as she looked at me.

"I...I don't know baby." I answered truthfully. "Ryujin has to leave soon, but I don't know what will happen." 

She smiled sadly at me as she reached out to squeeze my hand comfortingly. "I know you care about them a lot." She spoke fondly. 

We leaned in and shared a kiss, but we were quickly interrupted by the door bursting open. 

We snapped our heads around to see Chaeryoung standing in the doorway a worried yet frustrated look on her face.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Yeji..." She began hesitantly. 

"What happened?" Yuna asked as we both sat up alertly, all our attention on the breathless girl standing in our doorway. 

"She moved rooms." She stated. "WHAT!?" Yuna and I shouted in unison. 

"She just came into my room all of a sudden with all of her stuff saying we would now be sharing!" Chaeryoung explained, clearly frustrated by Yeji's actions. 

I don't blame her. Yeji and Ryujin's stubbornness has been immensely frustrating these past few weeks. We could deal with it before but this...this crossed a line. 

"HWANG YEJI!" I yelled as I ran to Chaeryoung's room. When I entered I saw Yeji sitting on the edge of the bed scrolling through her phone.

"Yeji...I know you're mad at Ryujin, but...she's leaving in less than a week. We all know you love her and we know this is hard for you. I get it. You're mad at her. You want to avoid her. But you can't forever Yeji. Cause even if you don't go to her when she leaves, one day she will come back." I spoke in a gentle yet stern tone to the girl in front of me. 

"I know that you want to avoid her. Trust me we all know. We can handle not talking at practice, not sitting together when we're out, and not texting each other. But you're crossing a line here. It's Chaeryoung's room. Just hers. You share one with Ryujin and I know it's hard right now. But you're already not talking. If you can be in the same room for practice, you can share a dorm. Ok? If you're content with not speaking to her and you're 100% sure you won't say goodbye at the airport, we respect that. But can you please stay in your room. Just for five more days. Please Yeji." I begged her. 

As my words began to settle in, a tense silence filled the room. Yeji merely looked at the floor and the two other girls and I shared a worried look. 

"Ok." She whispered softly. 

We all looked at her to make sure we hadn't misheard. "Really?" Chaeryoung asked to clarify. 

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