Double Trouble

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A/N: I was looking for baby cecealia babies and I found this dumbo octopus. It's so darn cute!!! I've been really trying to imagine what Abe and Valo's kids would look like if they had a bunch. 

Abe's Point of View

Who knew letting Valo go through that front door could be considered one of the hardest things Abe has ever done? He'd stood in the same spot for a good fifteen minutes before he realized he hadn't moved at all. He grunted and held his chest as he thought back on the memory, boy being mates could really take its toll on you. But he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, this wonderful feeling that bubbled in his chest from the thought of his mate. He looked around the empty apartment, wondering what he could do while she was at work.

Maybe he could go to the store, get some things for dinner, He'd had found more than one recipe he'd wanted to try and the expression on Valo's face this morning wasn't something he minded getting a repeat off. Maybe he could go to the city library and explore the five stories full of scrolls and books long forgotten by man. Valo said it would be a great place for Abe if he wanted to get in some real information about underwater history. He couldn't get over himself! He was really about to embark on his first day as a underwater dweller and even had a beautiful mate.

There were so many things he could think of that he could do in one day! But when he heard his phone start to ring from the kitchen, he decided answering it would be the first thing he did today. He scooped up the phone he'd left on the counter and was a bit surprised to see it was Hellboy. He wasn't known to really do morning calls unless it had to do with work. Abe swiped the answer button and put the phone to his ear hole.


"Abe buddy, the twins came last night," Hellboy exclaimed through the phone. Abe's jaw fell as far as it could and he held a hand to his chest.

"Congratulations! Tell me everything, why didn't you call me," Abe's mind was racing in every direction. He was excited and a bit nervous at the same time to hear Hellboy's story. He was never the best in delicate/emotional situations and Liz had a tendency to burst into flames under stressful situations. Not that he didn't believe in his red friend of course.

"I would've but everything happened so fast," Hellboy sighed. "It was like something out of a movie. Just a regular day at the house, Liz is on the couch eating and watching t.v. and I'm in the kitchen cooking up a stack of pancakes, when Liz starts complainin' about some bad heartburn and gas. Me thinking it's the hot wings she had for breakfast, I'm getting ready to get the Tum's, when she says somethin' about feelin' a pop and the next thing I know fire is coming out of her lady parts and our curtains are burnt to dust".

"Red! Do you have to talk about that part," Liz yelled in the distance.

"Babe with a birth like that you have to give every detail," Hellboy said like it was nothing out of the normal.

"Well you could talk about how I pushed our two kids out".

"Ew, that's gross, who wants to hear about that"?

"Thank's Red".

"Did you just say fire came out of her vagina," Abe asked, just to be sure.


"That's exactly what I'm saying," Hellboy said. "Midwife said it was Liz's way of breaking her water. Plus, the kids are half demons so you know-speaking of which I sent you a pics just now".

"I can't believe I missed their births by a day," Abe said sadly, as he put his phone on speaker and slid open his phone and opened the message from Hellboy. His hand flew to his mouth and if he could cry his eyes would be filled with tears as he gazed down at the pictures Hellboy had sent him.

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