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(A/N: Some is not mines, just somethings good to listen to)

Meanwhile with Abe

Abe stare was really starting to get to Hellboy, it's not like he meant to though. He had been trying to build up the courage to ask his-well really only other friend, besides Liz, this question. It would really determine their friendship and where it went from here. Ok, not really Abe knew he was being dramatic, but Abe was a bit desperate at this point.

"Ok Abe, you starin' at me is already creepy enough," Hellboy said, turning from the tv to face Abe. "But it's even worse because you have no eyelids".

Abe's lips formed into a tight line. "You know I can't help that".

"Yea, but you could help me on what you want," Hellboy said, cocking his head and fluttering his eyelashes at Abe.

Abe looked down at the table he was sitting at and cleared his throat. He looked up at Hellboy and got up from his chair and walked over to the couch to sit next to Hellboy. "Do I need to get another beer, before you start talkin'"?

"Since when do you need an excuse to drink beer," Abe asked. Hellboy shrugged his shoulders.

"When this became a face-to-face, sit down conversation and you're nervous Abe. You're never nervous unless somethin's really got ya wound up".

"I hate to admit I am nervous". Hellboy's expression turned into concern and he fully turned to face his friend, turning down the tv so he could clearly hear him.

"Everything ok, you and that Valo girl doin' alright"?

Oh Valo, the sound of her name alone brought him joy. Who before her held so much grace, such beauty, such a mind? Though they were taking their time to get to know each other, he could not imagine his life without her. He hated to say it, but he thought he was in love. It was much different this time, he couldn't compare the love he felt for Valo, to how he felt about Nuala. Valo made him feel normal, appreciated, cared for.

"Everything is fine, great actually," he sighed, bringing a smile to his red friend's face.

"Then why do ya' look like you're about to drop from nerves"? Abe took a deep breath, looking down at his hands before looking back up at his friend.

"I want to ask you on how to proceed with starting a sexual relationship with Valo".

It was eerily silent for a few moments and by how slacked jaw Hellboy was, Abe was starting to worry that maybe he was having a stroke. But, suddenly Hellboy started nodding his head and took his eyes off of Abe.

"Um....yea...yea, this is a conversation where we need beer". He got up from the couch and started making his way to the kitchen, Abe hot on his trail. He was afraid he would react like this, unless he could punch it or shoot it Hellboy wasn't the best at handling delicate situations.

"Why didn't you ask Liz about this stuff, she's a girl, she knows this stuff"! Hellboy opened a section of the fridge that was full supplied with stacks of beer. He took out a pack and sat it on the kitchen island.

"Liz wouldn't understand, you've been in the same position as me," Abe explained, cringing at the beer. Hello, old enemy. Hellboy paused in opening his can of beer and looked cautiously up at Abe, trying to figure out what the blue man meant. "Trying to find the right way to express your feelings to a woman you care about"?

"Oh, right that". He slid a beer over to Abe, which he begrudgingly accepted.

"This is just all so new to me, I don't know how to not make myself look foolish". He took a tiny sip and groaned, it still tasted like sinners underwear. "So I thought you would be the best help".

Tangled (Abe Sapien x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now