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It was the week after her and Fred's adventures after curfew, honestly, Stevie was impressed that they'd both managed to get back to their common rooms unscathed - especially him. She was just mere feet from hers and been though she had insisted that he come into the tower until the threat was gone, he had said that he'd be fine and once she'd returned the map to him, he'd gently nudged her in the direction of the bronze eagle doorknocker and she'd luckily gotten the riddle right.

Before the door had closed, her eyes met Fred's and he gave her a confident wink before he took off back down the corridor - a wink that had left her with red cheeks and an unfamiliar fluttering in her stomach.

In the haste to get to safety, Stevie had forgotten to give him his jumper back and she found that she quite like wearing it - it was lovely and warm with a golden F on the front and just by the feel, she knew that it was most likely hand-knitted. It was so warm in fact, that she found herself falling asleep in it, enveloped in the comforting aromas of cinnamon and gunpowder.

Ravenclaw had just played Gryffindor and sadly, they'd lost. Everyone was saying that it was because of Harry Potter's Firebolt but Stevie thinks it was more to do with the fact that Cho and the rest of the Ravenclaw team were distracted by Malfoy, his two friends and Marcus Flint. The four of them had dressed up as Dementors to try and sabotage Harry but the joke was on them - he hadn't been affected at all and honestly, managed to produce quite the Patronus Charm.

Her housemates were obviously upset at the fact that they'd lost the match and so, to try and cheer them up a bit, Stevie was down in the kitchens where she was making them some brownies.

This was one of her favourite parts of the school. Not many people know how to get in there and so it's always quiet. Well, except for the House Elves who always try and ply her with food when she comes down.

With her wand, it really takes her no time at all to get the batter ready and although she could easily bake them with it as well, she prefers to use an actual oven - they taste so much better and so once she fires the two trays into one of the many ovens the school has, she starts cleaning up her mess.

"Mister Weasley, Mister Weasley!"

The excited cries of the House Elves distract her and with the momentary lapse of concentration, the bowl that she's levitating to the sink falls to the ground with a smash.

"Merlin," she whispers, muttering the repairing spell under her breath as she grabs a mop to get rid of the chocolate stains while she tries to get herself to relax.

It might not even be Fred. There were three other Mister Weasley's at this school and it could be any of them.

"You know, you could just use your wand for that."

She spins around, hand pressed against her chest, "Don't do that!"

It was Fred - she only knew that because of the F jumper he was wearing but unlike the one she has hung over a chair in her dorm, this one was a lovely forest green.

He must have multiple.

Laughing, Fred picks up an apple from the fruit bowl that he's stood beside, "Sorry. What are you doing down here?"

"What are you doing down here?"

They speak at the same time and his grin grows, "Party in the common room since y'know, we won."

Stevie rolls her eyes, "You only won because our team were distracted."

"Right," he grins, "That's what it was. Distraction."

"You saw how close Cho was to catching the Snitch," Stevie went onto explain as she dumped her dirty dishes in the sink, "Wood just about wet himself."

Fred snorts. That was somewhat true.

Rebel Rebel (A Fred Weasley fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now