Waking up.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Mega, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling. Also, I will be adding songs I think will relate to the theme of the chapter. This song is Severus' feelings. 


Isabelle Wilson had been staying in the infirmary for over a month now on life support. Madam Pomfrey was convinced she wouldn't be waking up, Severus, however, had hope. He had the love of his life laying there and he was hanging on by a thread, he was not going to lose her. Severus stayed every night with her, after classes he came straight to the infirmary. People were complaining about his behaviour in the classroom, he would hear people talk about Isabelle and how 'weak' she was. He would snap. She wasn't weak, she was the strongest women he had ever met. His detentions were harsher and he was putting a lot of people on thin ice. During one of his lessons over a week ago, a Ravenclaw 5th year was curious.


"Turn to page 158. Read it. Brew it. Label it. Any questions." Of course. A Ravenclaw. "Yes, Mr Powello?" My head turned to the young 5th year as he waited.

"Sir, is it true you almost killed the girl in the hospital wing? Like apparently she was in love with you and you rejected her. Then she turns up like she is. Bit suspicious." How dare! There were multiple things wrong with what that boy just said. I WOULD NEVER attempt to Kill Isabelle. Yes, I technically as they say 'rejected' her but I! did not kill her.

"I am sure that is none of your concern but NO! I DID NOT ATTEMPT TO KILL MISS WILSON! I ALSO DID NOT 'REJECT' HER AS YOU PUT IT. THERE WAS NOTHING TO 'REJECT' AND NOW SHUT UP! AND GET ON WITH YOUR WORK AND DARE QUESTION ME LIKE THAT AGAIN. 50 POINTS FROM RAVENCLAW!" I was right up in the boy's face after that, the ignorance of some of these people. He nodded like the coward he is and got to work. 


Severus was remembering the events. He was questioning his actions. Was it his fault she ended up like this? Did he really do such a thing to such a special person and would she ever forgive him for such an act? Tears made their way into his eyes as he sat next to her cold body. "Oh please, Isabelle. After what I know about you please don't leave me before I can love you." Isabelle could hear him inside her head. She was actually able to move a bit earlier sadly it was while he was in class but she actually wiggled her fingers. She woke up in the middle of him crying. She desperately tried again to move and she did. He finger grazed him, he shot up so quickly. "Izzy?" He had never called her that. "Izzy do that again if you can hear me." And again she grazed her finger across his hand. His smile was bright. "OMG. Okay, can you move anything else? Your whole hand perhaps?" She tried to move her whole hand, she was weak but it moved a bit. His face was in fits of happiness. "Okay, I will go get Poppy." He literally sprinted his way to Poppy's office. Izzy smiled inside her head and attempted to open her eyes, they opened and immediately closed due to the brightness. 

"S-Se." Severus came back, with Poppy Pomfrey. "Se-e." She couldn't quite get his name out but she could speak.  

"Oh dear, this is quite the miracle. Can you open your eyes?" Isabelle opened her eyes again and forced them to stay open. "Okay, relax dear, you must be very tired. Severus may you step outside so we can get Isabelle changed." Severus nodded and squeezed Isabelle's hand before walking away. 

"Tha-aa." Poppy shushed her from speaking. Her voice was raspy and sore. 

"You and Severus are quite the pair, I have never seen him act the way he has. Ever since Lily, no one thought he would be over her." Isabelle nodded, she had heard about his love for a women names Lily, was it really that much? "Alright Severus, you may come back in." Severus came as quick as he could back inside. 

"How are you, Izzy?" His voice was soft, a smile crept onto her face. Isabelle reached for his hand and he took it instantly.

"I'm- go-oo." He nodded and didn't make her talk more. She smiled more. He sat down and let Poppy do her work. 

"Right dear, you have two or maybe three options. You can either stay here for one more night, head back to your common room or. If Severus allows you may stay with him." Poppy looked towards Severus who gave a simple nod. Isabelle couldn't really answer so she nodded towards Severus' direction. "Okay then. Severus will need to clean and wrap bandages on your arms and legs before you go to bed." Severus nodded.

"Stay here till I come back, I will go clear my chamber so it will be easier for you to get around." Isabelle shook her head at him. She didn't want to trouble him.

"No. It-ttt is o-ooka. Okay." Severus took her hand and kissed it and whispered for her to wait here. He was stubborn and in love. 

*Severus POV*

I need to make my chambers easier for Izzy to be able to move from room to room. I had caused most of her pain and I believed it was my fault that she was in there. I sent her away lied that she had 18 or graduated before she could be with me, which was a lie as she could be 17 and be with me which she was. I wanted her to forgive me badly so I also set up a little cute book session in my living room so they could read together once she was back. I also wrote a letter to her friend Kiara Ackerman to bring some of her clothes down Pyjamas and clothes for the morning as her necessities, I wanted her as comfortable as possible. I waited for her friend to come down with her things before I headed to get her. I had waited for this moment for over a month and I wasn't prepared to mess things up. Little did I know her brain was worrying about something he hadn't been thinking about for a while. 


Isabelle had been patiently waiting for Severus to come to collect her and take her to his chambers, he took longer than she thought he would but she knew that the moment he was finished he would come for her. She couldn't wait to see his handsome face when he walks in. Except for her brain being filled with thoughts of him and Lily. She didn't know why but she felt instant jealousy from knowing how deep his love was for her. 

My Always. Severus Snape x Reader.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt