No one likes me deserves to be loved.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Megan, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling.  TW: There might be some triggering stuff in this like death.


*Isabelle Pov*

I and Sev were stood in the centre of the destruction I had caused due to my anger, I was getting mad at myself for dragging Severus into this and mad at Duke for being the psychopath he is. I had drowned out Severus' voice with my thoughts. I hadn't even noticed he was talking really till he shakes me slightly to snap me out my thoughts. "I'm so sorry Sev. I am a horrible person bringing you into this, not telling you. Lying for months. I-I I will help you fix your chambers then I will leave." I was sobbing and he was also showing his emotions. I had never seen him cry before... I had hurt him bad. I moved away from him and started to wave my wand repairing everything I had broken with the 'repairo' charm. I then decided to do things by hand and I cleaned his chambers for him without magic. I started out in his bathroom then moved towards his living space which is where everything happened.

"Stop, you don't need to do this Isabelle." I heard him but ignored it and carried on as if I hadn't heard. Moments later he came and took the cleaning things away. "I said stop. You repaired what you damaged you are still injured remember that." How could he still care for me after the lies? 

"I, uhm okay. I will uhh go then, yeh I'll go." I nod to myself and step away I couldn't get very far as Severus had grabbed onto my wrist. "Severus? Is there something else?" He nodded softly and painfully slow. "Okay." I nodded and we moved to sit on the Sofa. Duke was still knocked out cold on the floor he would probably be out for a few hours. "So-"

"Let me say something and I just want you to listen okay?" He chimed in I nodded in defeat. "Good, now I hate this you know, seeing you like this. I am not, I repeat I am not mad at you, it isn't like you brought him here okay he is a psychopath who is sick and twisted. I love you, Isabelle, truly. If I didn't I would be able to walk away from you right now but I can't I know I will regret that if I did. Now yes. You lied about something major, and yes that is something that has made me a bit annoyed but I am not again mad at you. I don't know your reasoning for keeping your age or powers or anything about yourself from me but from what I know of you it is a touchy subject so I respect that and I won't ask." How is he so bloody sweet. "So how old did he say you were?" My eyes grew wide. 

"uhm 28," I mumbled, he raised my chin and gave me a look. "28." He smiled it meant I was only two years younger than him. 

"That makes me love you so much more. WAIT. So is that why you're so smart? You have done your education before?" I nodded. "Wow. So. Does Albus know?" I nod. "Of course he does." I smile. "This is amazing baby girl. I hate him" he points to Duke. "But he has made me love you so much more." I smile and lean in, he pulls me close and kisses me in a more passionate way than he ever has. "You are the best girlfriend anyone could ask for." I blush and kiss him again. "I will sort that asshat out when he wakes up. For now. Let me love you." I cuddle into him and kiss him again. 

*Good old time skip to Duke waking up.*

Sev and I had been talking, cuddling and kissing for what felt like hours until Duke woke when he did it was not pretty. Severus spun me behind him and Duke laughed at us which only made Severus angrier. 

"How cute, so the age didn't break you up.  How about I tell your dear 'Sev' of all the things you have done to. Bethany." I gulped. Bethany was a girl Duke made me experiment on with my powers. He started on putting me under the imperious curse but I soon got so into it I just chose to. Severus saw my expression and got angrier.

"You know I had no control over that, you forced me, you even put me under the imperious curse to get it done!" I yelled and lunged forward. I felt myself grow angry both Severus and Duke could see it and they backed away. Severus was scared of me. "You know what Duke, I may have been forced to drive her insane and eventually kill her but I would have no problem seducing you to the same DAMN FATE! You dare EVER breathe a word about me, about Severus about anyone I care about. Your face will be ripped to shreds your balls will be grounded to dust and your brain will be splattered all over the place and I will stand over your body and smile while you are 6 feet under. UNDERSTAND!" I was now fully in his face, his face was red and he was sweating. 

"Yes, yes okay I got it." I didn't really want to hurt him but I couldn't control what my powers did. I started thrashing around in front of him muttering in another language. 

"Occiditis, moriemini, adolebitque, clamor." (Kill, die, burn, cry.) I muttered over and over and watched Duke get tortured from my mind. I was in zero control. Severus just watched in horror. I mean he was watching his girlfriend torture a man with her mind. "Duke Hallows, you will burn, the soul within you will be extracted and you will be a man no more. You have been bad, and these are your prices your paying." Someone says within me in a deep and sadistic voice. 

"I'm sorry." Is all he got out before I roared and he fell limp his soul erupting out of him. My eyes were bright red. I wasn't me anymore.

"Isabelle..." Severus said from far behind me. I turned sharply and his face lit up in horror. 

"Yes, Sev?" I wasn't the one talking, there was something dark speaking out. I try to calm down to go back to normal. I sit down and breathe. I look at my hands which were sore and I look at the floor ashamed. It took a few minutes but it blew over and I was back as me. I opened my eyes and saw everything I had done. I was dangerous. "What. Did. I. Do." I sobbed. Severus hadn't moved from the back of the room and Duke's body was laid lifeless blood spewing out. "I need to get out, I need to leave." I quickly get up and run out, Severus too in shock to stop me this time. I ran, and I ran, and I ran. Even though I was injured my mind was in more pain. I rain out the gates and towards Hogsmeade, my house, I remembered as I ran.  I ran towards my house and saw the damage caused by Duke before coming to me in the chambers. He killed them. 

"No one like me deserves to be loved." I fell and sobbed. 

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