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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Mega, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling.


Severus Snape was busy pacing his office. The sight of the Wilson girl gave him flashbacks to Lily's dead body lying in her son's bedroom. He didn't expect to feel the same pain that he did back then especially considering the girl is a student, therefore, he has no inappropriate feelings towards her, it was what he was telling himself anyway. He told the girl before he left to meet him in his office as soon as she was discharged, it had been three hours since that moment and she hadn't come by yet. Snape kept telling himself that Poppy must've found something wrong or Isabelle was too weak to leave either way something was wrong and he was pissed with himself he couldn't help her. 


Izzy was able to sit up now, she was still quite weak but she had improved a lot from earlier that day. She desperately wanted to go and see Professor Snape but Madam Pomfrey was adamant she wasn't ready. "Madam. Please let me go see the Professor, he knows potions I'm sure if something happened he would be able to take care of me. Please." Izzy gave her the saddest puppy eyes ever. It took her a while but Madam Pomfrey finally agreed to let her go. 

"Fine girl. Severus will need to do this routine with you in about an hour. Give him this." Madam Pomfrey handed her a slip and helped Izzy up. She slowly moved down the halls of the school and all the way down to the dungeons. She came upon Snape's office door and hesitantly knocked. She could hear a voice inside. Only one voice and it was his.

"Come on Severus, get yourself together the girl needs you right now go to her instead of sulking here." He kept talking to himself calling himself selfish and a coward. Izzy knew he was none of those things. She went to knock again slightly louder to get the attention of him inside. "Uhm Enter." She heard and she slowly opened the door to reveal the Professor. 

"Hi, Uhm sir you told me to come here when I was let out. Also, Madam Pomfrey told me to give you this." She handed him the slip and he opened it slowly.

Severus Snape.

Miss Wilson has begged to see you for almost an hour. I was hesitant to let her go but seeing as you know potions I allowed her to go. She will need help with her movements and she will need to take the healing medicine you made her again in around an hour from her arrival. 

Poppy Pomfrey. 

Snape nodded at Izzy and let her in. "Sit down. Right there." He pointed to a chair near his desk. Izzy nodded and walked to sit down. "Now I need you to tell me everything you ate/drank and who was around you." 

"Sir, I didn't really eat anything I remember thinking the pumpkin juice tasted oddly bitter and it was the last thing that touched my lips before I was passed out in the bathroom." She saw Snape nod. 

"Interesting, now is there anyone who you can think of that would want to harm you?" Izzy was worried, she couldn't think of anyone besides that fucking Slytherin blonde, he isn't smart enough to poison her. Although it wasn't strong enough to kill her so maybe it was him.

"Uhm. No, I mean me and this Slytherin boy, Draco Malfoy have had it out for each other since last year all because I rejected him he started bullying me and got his friends to join in too you know the two boys kinda chubby, bit thick?" Snape raised an eyebrow and a small chuckle escaped his mouth. Did Professor Snape laugh? Did that really just happen? 

"Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle?" Isabelle nodded still thinking about Snape laughing. "And Mr Malfoy, he is the only one who you can think of. Also, why hasn't anyone been told of this bullying?" Izzy herself knew why every time she wanted to tell his famous line popped into her mind 'My father will hear about this.' It would almost immediately scare her. 

"He is the only recent one although there have been more in the past they have all sort of died down. And for your other question, I didn't think anyone would believe a weirdo like me, I fucking sit around smoking I'm basically the school crackhead. Why would people believe me?" He raised an eyebrow once again and stood up moving towards her.

"Well, first of thank you I think I will look into Malfoy. Secondly, language Miss Wilson. And thirdly, you smoke? On school premises? How does nobody know of that either?" Izzy didn't know what to say she didn't want to sell herself out more.

"Guess I am just the outcast that no one pays attention to." She sighed moving her head to stare at the floor tapping her foot rapidly. "Also I don't need help with the routine I can figure it out myself I'm 17 I'm not a child. Well in like 2 months I will be an actual adult and can swear and smoke wherever the hell I like." She sighed once more and stared down at the floor again.

"Look at me." He said in an almost whisper. Izzy felt obligated to look up to him seeing as he put on a caring tone. "I want to help you get better Miss Wilson. I will be doing your routine with you and although your not a child you're an intelligent and independent young lady I feel getting help will be beneficial for you. Don't you think?" Izzy knew his words were right no matter how much she hated to admit it. 

"Okay, Professor. Thank you a lot for helping me. You can stop helping me whenever you like. Also, can you drop the 'Miss Wilson' at least while we are alone? It makes me cringe hard. My name is Isabelle although I prefer Izzy I will not force that one onto you, sir." She looked back down at her feet. She heard a small chuckle come from his mouth and she jolted her head back up.

"Fine. Isabelle while it is just you and me I shall call you that. As long as you will call me Severus in return." She looked shocked, she thought his name was amazing. Severus. Severus Snape. She kept thinking to herself. She cracked a small smile at the thought of his name. 

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