Breakups and Makeups.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Mega, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling.


Izzy was still sat in Snape's classroom crying. She had realised how stupid she truly was for liking someone like Snape. Izzy didn't even want to speak to him, and she didn't have too much longer as the bell rang signalling break was over meaning he had a class to teach and Izzy had a free period. "Bye Professor. I will uhm see you at dinner I guess." Izzy sighed and packed her things up. She felt a touch on her shoulder and jolted her head round. "Are you okay Sir?" She breathed in deeply and fully turned around.

"No. You're mad or upset or scared of me now. Isabelle. You had told me you loved me before I told you all that. Do. Do you still?" Izzy's eyes shoot wide, she had forgotten that she had said that. She didn't know what to say. She wanted to run, straight out of the door but she just froze.

"Uhm. Sir, not to be rude but I meant I love you as a Professor and sort of a friend. I wouldn't dare have such inappropriate feelings towards Professor." Izzy, as well as Severus, knew this to be a lie. He had read her thoughts, he knew how she felt. 

"Izzy. I know that you are lying. I have and please forgive me. Read. Your thoughts." Izzy's face reddened. She knew she had to run or she would do something she will come to regret. She needed an excuse to leave his presence.

"Sir. Your class is waiting I will swing by after school for detention. Then we can talk." Without letting him get a word in Izzy, slipped out. She decided to run towards the astronomy tower as that's where Fred goes on his free periods.


Fred wasn't in the astronomy tower but Isabelle got word he was in the courtyard so that's straight where she headed. And of course, there he was playing with a fireball. "Freddie. Can we talk for a moment? Alone." Izzy smiled nervously, she watched as Fred nodded and followed her away. "We uhm. Need to talk about us. Freddie, I love you, I do but there is just something missing here and I think you know that too." Izzy watched as Fred's face turned sad.

"Iz, not to be mean but I have felt the same, so I have kinda been getting to know someone else. I do love you and care about you but as you said something is missing, I'm glad we're both aware so hopefully, it won't hurt. Best friends?" Izzy nodded and pulled him in for a hug. He kissed the top of her head and walked away to George. I weight felt like it had been pushed off her shoulders and she no longer felt guilty for liking Severus. She could be happy and go back to her friends happy. She hadn't spoken to Abi, Megan or Kiara for a few days. She did feel bad but she didn't want to lie to them anymore so now that she doesn't have to she goes to confess.

Izzy walked down the halls and straight to the dorms. She saw the girls sitting around Kiara's bed. "Uhm. Hey, can I talk to you guys?" They turned and smiled and Abi patted on the bed signalling her to sit. 

"Of course, Iz we have been so worried about you." Kiara hugged her tightly. Izzy sighed before looking each of them in the eyes. She sat up straight and took a deep breathe in. 

"Okay, 1. I and Fred broke up, something was missing plus he is getting to know someone else. 2. Now brace yourselves this is shocking. I Isabelle Wilson is in love with Professor Snape-" Izzy was cut off by squeals. "KEEP IT DOWN! Ask questions after. Now I have to meet Severus after classes to talk about everything going on and to see if the feeling is mutual so he issued me detention so it didn't look suspicious. Now any questions kindly ask." She immediately had Megan speak up.

"Alright. You and Snape. Have you kissed?" Izzy rolled her eyes and shook her head. She had wanted to kiss him but they hadn't yet. 

"Okay. Have you told him how you feel?" Izzy sighed she knew she told him that she loved him but that was it. Kiara starred waiting for the answer.

"Well, he has read my thoughts and he knows I love him, he told me his whole life story to make sure I wasn't making a mistake in loving him and I wasn't he is a good man. He hasn't told me his feelings really though." They giggle and embrace Izzy tightly. It was cute that they didn't care.

"Okay, my turn. How long have you loved him?" Too long Izzy smiled and looked up towards Abi.

"Too long, I was glad he wasn't repelled by me. He makes me happy he fills the void Fred didn't and as much as I loved Fred it wasn't whole." Severus was now her happiness she felt safe around him. "Now as much as I would love to shout my love for him it needs to remain between us four no one can know. Understand?" The girls nodded and hugged Izzy tightly once more.

My Always. Severus Snape x Reader.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora