Admitting the truth.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Mega, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling.


Isabelle had finally resumed all of her classes and caught up relatively quickly. She was still dating Fred Weasley and the truth was she wasn't all that happy. Well her general happiness died down really not even Abi, Megan or Kiara could make her happy anymore. Anything except him made her into a right moody cow. Him being her Potions Master. Severus Snape. The two of them grew closer since the incident, they were on the first name basis; he hadn't yet called her Izzy but he used Isabelle quite often. Izzy hated breaking people's hearts but she knew if she didn't leave Fred she'd have no chance with Severus. Not that she thinks she has one anyway she told herself often he would have standards she doesn't meet. Isabelle also thought that he was told what to do by Dumbledore and that he hated her really. He hadn't shown her much hatred since the incident though just a few raised voices here and there.

Izzy had a free period straight after the break since a couple of days ago she had been going and spending break in Severus' classroom, she rather enjoyed that although they rarely spoke. Izzy was on her way now as it was the beginning of the break. She had just had Transfiguration with McGonagall, she loved learning how to change objects into weird things but it was never her strongest area of magic. 

Walking down to the potions classroom Izzy could smell the failed potions from a mile off. She giggled as she carried on walking. She knocked firmly and heard a sharp "Enter." From behind the door. Isabelle sighed and walked into the room. Severus didn't look up from his desk to acknowledge her. She closed the door behind her and walked down the aisle to the closet seat to Snape.

"Morning Severus." Izzy had a delightful tone in her voice, different from how it was previously. After everything happening with her this was the first time she sounded somewhat okay.

"Morning Miss Wilson." Izzy's heart ached from the formality. She liked Severus and wanted him to like her back even though she knew how detrimental it would be to his career. 

"Why the formality Sir? Have I done something?" Izzy stuck with sir instead of Severus. She looked up but he still hadn't moved his eyes from the paper in front of him. He was grading what looked like from the handwriting first-year essays. 

"I am sorry Isabelle rather stressful morning I need to batch a lot of potions for Poppy." Izzy's eyes shot up. She giggled a little then sat up in her seat to look at Severus.

"I can help if you like Sir. I love brewing potions. Plus it would allow you to distress just a little bit. Or I can help you grade those while you brew." She stayed looking at him she saw a little crease in the corner of his lip. Severus Smirked! Now that has a ring to it. Izzy was giggling at her own thoughts. 

"Hmm. Very well. I am almost done with these so you may help to brew a simple sleeping draught." Isabelle nodded and stood up and walked to the cabinet. Izzy took out all the necessary ingredients she needed for the potion. It wasn't too hard for her since she knew how to make it without using the book. She added all the ingredients when they needed to be she stirred it well clockwise then anticlockwise. And after about thirty minutes a fresh batch was made ready to be bottled up. 

"Sev. I can call you Sev right? Anyway, I have finished, do you want me to bottle them up or should I let you handle that?" She watched Severus get up and walk over inspecting the potion. He grabs a small vile from a cupboard and shows Izzy how to bottle them up. 

"There. Now fill as many as you can." Izzy nodded and Severus walked back over to his desk. He didn't answer my question. I feel I have hit a nerve. Izzy bottled more potions before hesitantly turning towards Snape. She put the vile she was holding down on the table and stood up straight. 

"Um. Sir.. You never answered my question." Izzy held her breathe waiting for the answer. She didn't know why he began to scare her, but he did. He sighed and looked up from the parchment in front of him. He stood up and walked over to where Izzy was standing.

"Well, Isabelle, there was once a girl who called me 'Sev' and that girl was the all-time love of my life she was my best friend after that no one ever called me by the name again. She truly was the only one who cared." Izzy gave a look of sorrow. Was? Are they no longer friends? 

"Was? Did something happen between you two?" Severus shuddered and took a step closer to Isabelle she felt his hand reach out to hold hers. She took his hand and faced him, tears formed in his eyes, the sight stunned Izzy. He was showing emotion. "You don't have to tell me, Severus, I am sure whatever happened it was never your fault and I bet you showed her the most love anyone had ever seen." She smiled at him and for the first time, he showed a genuine smile towards her.

"It isn't what I did. It is what I didn't do. I didn't protect her, I ruined her life and then she got killed and I wasn't with her to protect her. Isabelle, I am telling you this in confidence, please. Please don't share this with anyone." Izzy nodded and watched Severus pull up his left sleeve. A faint tattoo was spread across his forearm. Izzy knew that mark. Her uncle had the same one. She didn't really know what it meant but she knew it was evil.

"You-you're evil? But no I love you, you can't be evil you have been nothing but nice to me and-" Severus hushed her and sat her down. "Explain. Please." He looked down nodding he took a deep breath in and unveiled the whole of his past.

"In school, I was bullied, it was the worst time of my life. The only thing I had was this one girl, she had gorgeous red hair and the most stunning eyes. Her name was Lily Evans. Are you with me?" Izzy nodded. "Okay, so I and Lily had met just before the start of our first years. Lily was a muggle-born and got bullied by her sister for being a 'freak' but she wasn't she was just special. Anyway, after I saved her from her sister we became good friends." Izzy was nodding and understanding it all, it hurt to know how in love he is and not with her. "Okay, so time skip to the sorting ceremony. I was placed in Slytherin, obviously but Lily was placed in Gryffindor. It hurt me but we made the friendship work. Until." Izzy looked down waiting for him to continue, he lifted her chin and they smiled at each other. "Until. The potter boy and his goons came along. Lily was gorgeous anyone would be a fool to disagree. So obviously the boys took a liking to her plus they were also in Gryffindor. Then the bullying started all because I spent my time alone reading books on the dark arts. One day though I was reading by a tree and the boys come over start messing with me and putting spells on me. Lily came to my defence made the boys stop. This is where I become an idiot. The boys made me then thank Lily but instead. Well instead I just said to her. 'I don't need help from a mudblood like her.' It broke me inside that I said those things." Isn't he half-blood?  "So ye. Time flew and Lily never forgave me. Instead, she started dating potter which killed me more. So after we graduated I joined a group of people. The death eaters. Worked for Voldemort. I proved my loyalty did his bidding all of it. Until October 31st of 1981, Voldermort raided Lily's house killed both her and Potter but he didn't kill their son, he tried but the curse rebounded. Of course, you have met Harry. The scar on his head is from that night." Izzy took all the information in and was in shock. "So now. I wouldn't go back to the death eaters after what they did so I came to Dumbledore, he offered me forgiveness if I became a spy for him. I agreed then became the potions master I am today. Voldermort is gone but he will return and then the war will come and I will have to fight against him but make it look like I'm fighting with him. Now that's a lot of information to take in so I will wait for your response and questions." With that, he stood and went back to his desk leaving Isabelle to start crying. The love of her life. Evil.


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