Mr Soulless.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Mega, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling.


The morning came and Abi, Megan and Kiara were ready to storm out. Izzy still wasn't back no one had seen her since she left for her detention. They rushed down to their Potion Masters office. He was Of course awake. Kiara stood in front and knocked harshly. Moments later the door swung open and Snape stood their confused. "What do you want at this hour insolent brats-"

"We want answers. Isabelle didn't come back to the common room last night and she still isn't there, so we want to know what the hell you did to her!" Kiara was practically in his office at this point Snape grew very angry at the young girl getting all up in his face accusing him of doing something to Izzy. 

"Your friend Miss Wilson left here swiftly after her detention where she decided to go afterwards is no matter to me now. Get. Out. If you want to accuse me of harming her any more I will have you all in detention for a month, GO!" He was mad but so were they, well they were more worried than mad. 

"If she wasn't with Snape? Maybe she went with Fred somewhere?" They all nodded and headed towards the great hall to Fred, they first checked whether Izzy was sat there but when it was confirmed she was not they went to Fred. "Hey, Fred. Was Izzy with you last night she didn't come back to the common room and she still hasn't come back." Worry grew in his face insinuating that she wasn't with him.

"No, I haven't seen her since dinner, want me to help you find her?" Kiara shook her head rushing over to the headmaster. They stopped in front and saw the Dungeon bat walk in nervously. 

"Professor Dumbledore. Isabelle didn't come back last night after her detention with Professor Snape. We are really worried about her." Abi was the one to speak up to the teacher this time. Dumbledore looked over to Snape whose demeanour was completely different he was almost showing emotions whether it was, anger, sadness or worry no one could tell but it was something.


He was worried, people were starting to notice his change in attitude, Including Albus Dumbledore. He had only been seated a few moments but he felt it was necessary to just leave. He started to stand up and leave when she walked in. Her eyes red raw from hours of crying looked very tired, Severus was worried if she had started to harm herself once again. He still felt obliged to leave as she didn't want her to see him. As he pinned his eyes to her she looked at him. He saw the hurt in her eyes from what could only be described as rejection but he didn't not what from.


Kiara, Abi and Megan jolted their heads around to see Izzy walking in she looked tired and her eyes were puffy and red from crying. They ran to her and hugged her. She was so tired she was basically going to pass out in their arms. "Guys get. Get Snape." Abi quickly made a motion for Snape to come to them and he agreed. He stood and went over to where the girls were. Izzy was on the floor already crying once again.

"Why did you call me over?" The deep voice motioned from behind them. The girls glared at him and stepped back so he could observe Izzy.

"She told us to get you. We don't know why she didn't say." He nodded and gestured them to hold her and guide her to his classroom. All three of the girls held Izzy tightly, Fred rushed over to help and he carried her by himself to the Potions classroom. Snape gestured again to place her on a chair.

"You 4 may go now. I will handle Miss Wilson from here." Fred kissed her on the head and manoeuvred out the door." Snape was left alone with Izzy's body wrapped over the chair, she looked lifeless. He couldn't help but shed a tear. He felt something for the girl. He knew he did. She was going to be 18 in a few months so then she could decide whether she wanted him. Snape took Izzy to the room he entered during her detention, it was his personal quarters. He laid her on his bed and went to make her some food for when she woke and a drink. She wouldn't wake for hours though. 6 to be precise. She had missed lunch so she must've been very hungry. Snape didn't leave her side tho he just sat stroking her head and hoping he would wake soon. He heard a few knocks on the door to his classroom he left her side to go answer it. 

"Professor, has she woken yet? Wait where is she?" Kiara was alone no friends accompanying her. She had the most worried look in her hazel eyes. Snape noticed small tears come into them.

"No she hasn't woken and I moved her to a more comfortable place so when she woke her body wouldn't be as sore. I will make sure to send an owl to your common room when she wakes Miss Ackermann." Kiara nodded and thanked Snape and she left. When he walked back into the room Izzy was stirring but not waking. "Oh come on girl. Please wake up." He was genuinely worried about the girl at this point. He wanted her to wake and see him sat there but she wasn't going to any time soon.


Izzy was still in a deep sleep, stirring every now and again and even mumbling some things. Snape smiled at one particular moment which mentioned his name. Although her sentence wasn't the nicest to hear his name rolling off her tongue was. The time was 3:43 Pm. Snape went to the bathroom for the first time in about 6 hours. He didn't want to spend long though he wanted to rush back to her side. He stepped out after finishing in. Just then did Izzy open her eyes for the first time. Snape smiled uncontrollably at the sight. "You're awake how are you feeling Miss Wilson?" She sat up and looked at him and smiled in embarrassment. 

"Ho-How long have I been here?" He smiled at her reassuring her that she was okay and safe. 

"About maybe 8 hours I lost track of the hours being by your side." The statement made her smile prominent. She looked into his eyes and saw emotion for the first time. "You must be hungry though let me get you some food." She nodded and tried to get up. "No, you stay here I will take care of it. Then I will send a letter to your friends allowing them to see you. Is that okay?" He was actually caring about her. She smiled at his kind actions.

"Yes thank you for all of this Professor, I don't even remember half of what happened all I know is detention, me running to Myrtle's bathroom, crying a lot. Going to the great hall. Getting here." He was curious. He didn't really understand what sent her to such a state. He didn't really know anything about her. 

"Is that all you remember?" She nodded and a worried face came onto her. "Very well. Here eat this I hope it is alright." She smiled taking the plate from his hands. 

"I love omelettes, my mum used to make them all the time. She was a confusing woman. I love her though even if she is a muggle she accepts me." Snape looked at her raising an eyebrow.

"Muggleborn?" She looked around at him and sighed.

"Oh yeah, you're a Slytherin and no I am half-blood." She sighed again turning back to her omelette. She didn't turn to look at him but he rushed back to her side.

"I know most Slytherins only worship the pureblood witches and wizards and hate anything less but that would make me a hypocrite." She looked confused at his statement, was he not a pureblood? I mean it wouldn't change anything if he wasn't it would just shock her. 

"Your not a pureblood? That certainly changes a few opinions of you. Not many though your still an asshole." They chuckled. Snape stood up and started writing a letter to her friends in Hufflepuff. She smiled and thanked him once again he expected nothing less from her than that. 

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