Weasley Twins.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Mega, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling.


Izzy had still not woken up after being in the Hospital wing for almost a week. She hadn't stopped trying to move but whatever the poison was it was a strong one. She hadn't heard her professors voice since the day he was sent away to sleep. Izzy was losing her mind she was beginning to hope that the poison was just slowly killing her but she heard Pomfrey say to Snape the night he left that she wouldn't die. 

Izzy awoke to the sound of the doors opening, she was obviously doubtful that she would be able to move but she tried anyway. Slowly and very painfully her eyes did open then slam shut again. She was weak. She tried once more to open them and she did. She lay staring at the things around her, at her surroundings and the end of her bed. A table with all sorts of cards and gifts were spread. She smiled at the sight and thought of people caring about her and worrying. Moments later Madam Pomfrey comes in and sees Izzy's weak body awake. Her eyes smiled but her face was worried and sad. She eventually smiled down at Izzy before questioning her.

"Miss Wilson you gave us a scare. Do you have a slight clue what happened and how long you have been here?" Izzy looked up at the women tears forming, she smiled and nodded pointing to her throat motioning she couldn't talk very well. "Very well. I will come back when you can answer but in the meantime, there is someone who I know is waiting to see you I shall bring him up to here now." Izzy smiled and nodded waiting for the arrival of the person. Minutes later the door open widely and Madam Pomfrey walks in with none other than Professor Snape. Izzy was shocked that her Professor wanted to see her but she told herself it was about the work she missed. 

"Miss Wilson. I am very glad you're awake and looking slightly better." Izzy nodded to him and did the same gesture with her hand to her throat as before. "Ah, I see. If I may Miss Wilson I do have a potion to cure sore throats, I need the drinker's permission to administer it so would you like me to?" Izzy's face grew wide she nodded quickly and he averted his gaze to the chair by her bedside. "Very well. I will go and receive the serum." He swished his cape behind him and walked out the doors swiftly. Izzy felt special to be cared for by one of the darkest dudes in the world. She waited and heard the door open she was happy that he was back so quickly but when she turned her eyes to the door she didn't see the dark dungeon bat she saw the two Weasley twins hurry in.

"Hey, Iz.  We are so glad you're awake. One of us more than the other." George laughed as Fred grew red. Izzy was getting sick of not being able to respond to them. She smiled and pulled them in for an embrace. George had a tighter more caring grip whereas Fred was more friendly and gentle. "Fred here hasn't stopped worrying about you. Bloody nutcase." Fred was blushing uncontrollably as George began laughing. 

"Yeh well, Georgie has kept me sain. I missed your company Iz." Izzy smiled before hearing the loud door of the Infirmary open. Snape swished in holding a vial. He came and sat by her bedside and handed her the vial. 

"Here this should cure the sore throat. Doesn't have the most pleasant of smells and tastes though." Izzy laughed as she downed the clear vial. Her face turned disgusted as she let out a small gag. The Weasley twins snickered causing Snape to glare at them. "Shouldn't you be in class? Off you go now. 10 points each from Gryffindor." They looked back at Izzy she gave a comforting look and they took off.

"P-rof-fessor. Tha-nnk you-u." She looked up her voice was shaking and she had tears in her eyes. She quickly looked down as to not take any notice of Snape. He waited momentarily before his finger met her chin and lifted it forcing her to look into his dark obsidian eyes. Sadness and pain were spread throughout them, it was a rare occasion for Izzy to see emotions out of him.

"No worries, I am glad you have woken and recovering but Dumbledore asked me to get answers from you to try to figure out who poisoned you." Izzy nodded tears still appeared in her muddy brown eyes. She didn't have a clue who poisoned her, there was no one she could think of who she hurt or betrayed normally people were friendly with her. "Meet me in my office whenever you get discharged." He lay a hand softly on her shoulder and got up and walked away from her. She nodded in confusion and laid waiting for Madam Pomfrey to return so she could leave.

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