Severus' Chambers.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Megan, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling. Also, I will be adding songs I think will relate to the theme of the chapter. The song is a part of the chapter later on when Isabelle starts singing it while reading.


*Severus POV* 

Miss Ackerman had brought her friend Miss Dodger and some of Isabelle's stuff. We had a short conversation about Isabelle mostly me saying she is alright and she is safe and will be spending the night with me. Her friend Kiara was feisty though, 'If you ever lay a hand on Isabelle, hurt her, use her, leave her after all of this. I know you are our Professor but you will be 6 feet under if you hurt her!' I understood and was ultimately glad they cared for her but a bit unnecessary if you ask me. Anyway, I sent them back to the Hufflepuff dormitories and left for the infirmary. I could hear Poppy and Izzy talking.

*Isabelle POV*

"Madam. Who exactly was Lily? I mean to Professor Snape." Madam Pomfrey sighed. Was this deeper than I thought? She looked very hesitant to answer. 

"I can't tell you much as it is Severus' story to tell but they went here together, the same year, different houses. Lily was put into Gryffindor and met some boys there and well I will leave it at that." Some boys? Did Lily leave Severus for one of them? I really want to know more. I was cut off my thoughts with Severus coming in, he had a faint smile on his face, I smiled up at him of course and his smile grew bigger. 

"Ready to go? Lunch is in about 45 minutes so hopefully, you can settle in by then." I nodded and he helped me up, I was still sceptical about the Lily situation. I didn't want to be overdramatic or crazy overprotective but I was jealous and I didn't know why. I was lost in my thoughts again. "Isabelle? Everything okay?" I smiled and nodded and stood up. I was weak but able to stand. Severus didn't want to take any chances and practically held onto me for dear life. 

"So. You allowed me to stay with you. Why?" He looked down and smiled at me. This was such a wholesome moment if only she can get out my head. I don't even know her. But that's the thing what if she is so much better she is undoubtedly prettier who isn't. She must have been really great if him losing her caused him this much pain. 

"Because I wanted you near me, to keep you safe as a student." Here we go again. Always pushing away. 

"I need to get some things from my dorm. I will meet you up-" He cut me off.

"Not necessary your friends Miss Ackerman and Miss Dodgers did you the honour. I wanted to make sure you weren't moving around too much your leg is probably in a lot of pain." Now he is going back to caring about me. AGH he is so confusing. 

"Why are you so confusing? Like one second you're treating me nice because you need to care for your students then you treat me nice because your caring for me as a person more than a student, then you go on while I am asleep that you love me but haven't said it once while I am awake and Lily comes into it which leads me to believe you were just upset and you don't love me because you love her, and yes I know a bit about you two but not everything. So please put me out my misery and tell me. What the fuck are we? Where do I come between you and who I assume is your wife? Girlfriend, Ex-wife, Ex-Girlfriend. Whoever Lily is. I already put the puzzle together that she is prettier because who isn't, but she is better, more stable because also who isn't and if you were attracted to her she must be a goddess. So please enlighten me on this whole situation or go back to Lily and tell her you love her every night instead of what you did to me because when I said it back in my head because I couldn't speak I broke down mentally." His face fell as we reached the door to his chambers. He didn't say anything he just let me inside and sat me down on his sofa. We sat in silence till he finally sighed. 

My Always. Severus Snape x Reader.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora