It Started Back When

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Deku ran to his room tears uncontrollably rolling down his face but he didn't know why.  He heard mumbling outside his room so he went to lock the door before he reached the door Kacchan had opened the door but he heard someone pull him off and walk in themselves. It was Kirishima.
"You owe me if I'm not dead by the time I leave." we both heard him stomp down the hallway. "What happened dude."

I hesitated and wondered what he thought about me because he never really showed an intrest in me before this. Maybe he really does want to help me.
"He saw them. And he started to cry or as far as it goes for him." I tried to chuckle but it didn't come out pain had yet again overwhelmed him but he could do nothing with Kirishima here.

"I will be back," he looked over to his collection of blades, "And im taking these too i have to go and sort Baku-bro out or he will blow his room up. Don't do anything i wouldnt do."

Almost directly after he left a slight knock came from his door, and there was only one person who knocked like that. Shoto Todoroki.

"Midoriya let me in, i know what you did." Deku slowly opened the door no wanting anyone else to know and there stood Todoroki.

"Not right now please i will tell you just not now i promise but please leave." As he said this Todoroki hesitated but left knowing how stubborn Deku was. 

"Oi nerd, Shitty hair is going to stay here tonight and you better still be alive tomorrow and at school otherwise i will revive you then kill you then revive you again so dont try it."

The voice had startled Deku but it was Kacchans kind words that made him reply,

"Oh shut up you told me to take a swan dive of a room if my memory doesnt fool me so youd like it." Deku was fully expecting him to start blowing things up but instead he walked calmly to him and pushed the door open. He just hugged Deku and sliently cried "Im sorry, Im so so sorry."

After he left Deku thought he was asleep and fully expected to be woken up by his all might alarm clock. but silence. He just stood there shocked at what had happened and was snapped back into reality by KIrishima making himself at home on Deku floor. Deku turned the light of and crawled into his bed silently, still in awe. 

"When did it all start?" Kiri asked as memories came flooding in like a broken dam.

"It started back when...," Deku hesitated, "Me and Kacchan were in high school thats when Kacchan  started bullying me properly soon after it was telling me to kill myself but i never thought he was just keeping up his reputation but that he actually meant it. but he came and hugged me just now and well," Even though it was dark Kirishima could see the blush that covered Deku.

"Wait, OMG you like Baku-bro," Deku stumbled over his words as Kirishima lay there laughing.

"N..No wait..w..why would you think that." But his denial made kiri laugh louder, " Alright fine just stop laughing otherwise everyone is going to know."

Soon after they both fell asleep and it was morning when Dekus alarm went off and they got dressed, as they both walked to class and met up with the rest of class 1-A. Deku caught Kacchans eye and just smiled like he normally does.

" Alright sit down, dont kill each other im going to sleep." azaiwa simply said laying back down in his yellow sleeping bag. All of class 1-A sat in silence until they knew that there teacher had gone to sleep, and then began to talk. Deku felt a tap on his shoulder and Kacchan passed him a small piece of crumpled up paper. which read:

meet me after school behind the cafeteria


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