I'm sorry nerd...

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For Bakugou school couldn't have finished any slower he couldn't wait to meet Deku behind the cafeteria  he had been caught staring at him about 15 times by Kirishima. Deku on the other hand was staring at the bandages on his wrist wanting to feel that familiar pain, the addictive pain, but both guys had to stop for it looked suspicious. Kirishima seemed to be some sort of saviour to them both for he was nice, trustable and supportive.

Behind the cafeteria lay all the trash from the bins in the halls, students are permitted to be here but no one does because of the smell. the concreate was hot enough to cook an egg on but yet Bakugou still sits there waiting on Deku as he runs around the corner knowing hes late.

"Sorry im late i had to lie to my friends otherwise they would insist on com-" Deku was cut of by Bakugou wrapped himself around Deku for the second time.

"It was my fault i told you to kill yourself but i didn't actually mean it, I'm sorry nerd..." he mumbled almost as if he didn't want to be heard but Deku understood what he said thanks to his constant mumbling himself. 

"Kacchan... what will people think about me? Once they find out they won't want to be friends which will make things worse." Tears started streaming down Deku's face as panic filled every part of him but he was clamed down by Bakugou's long lasting hug.

"Me, you and Shitty hair are sleeping in my room tonight whether you like it or not, and tomorrow your going to the Bookshop Café because i said so." Bakugou knew full well that that was Deku's favourite place to go  and felt a small smile grow on Deku's face.

Once they had finished the hug they walked together in silence back to the UA dorms and grabbed something to eat.

"What do you want nerd? Actually i know exactly what your going to have go and wait with Shitty hair he should be in his room tell him im bringing food." Bakugou ordered and Deku followed said orders. Deku knocked on Kiri's door and took a startled step back when it almost instantly flew open.

"Hey Midoryia , what you here for, wait let me guess Baku-bro sent you?" Deku nodded in reply, "Knew it and he sent you cuz he's making food again?" Again Deku nodded in reply while this time giggling, "Wow i know him so well haha I'm kidding he messaged me a minute ago explaining, come on in."

Deku kept checking his watch it had been 2 hours and Kiri had fallen asleep and soon enough Deku too, fell asleep on Kiri. Bakugou walked in to this sight and almost screamed, "WAKE UP I WASN'T GONE FOR THAT LONG."

"You were gone for 2 h..hours 12 minutes and thirty....six seconds." Deku said halfway through a yawn. 

"Only because i made cinnamon rolls  and i brought chocolate milk." Kirishima didn't see the importance of the cinnamon rolls but little did he know that Bakugou used to call Deku a cinnamon roll back in high school when no one was around. After stuffing their faces with food they decided to get changed into their pjs and Deku came out simply wearing:

 After stuffing their faces with food they decided to get changed into their pjs and Deku came out simply wearing:

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Bakugou and Deku had turned as red as tomatoes...

Deku's Lost voice (KiriDeku)Where stories live. Discover now