Wait no...Kacchan...

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Deku pov 

I was falling, just falling  the ground below getting closer and closer i didn't die? I landed on my feet Kacchan stood in front of me.

"I cant believe you Deku you killed yourself, you are nothing to me."

"I thought you loved me?"

"Oh Deku, you really are such a joker  like i would ever love you."

" Kirishima?"

Kirishima walked up to Kacchan and started to kiss him which then turned into a make out session.

 I was shook awake by Kacchan who looked really concerned but I looked over and Kirishima was still asleep. I suddenly felt the urge to throw up, I shoved Kacchan off me and ran to the toilet and emptied my stomach.

I heard Kacchan open the door and crouch down next to me but i was too busy to look up he slowly rubbed my back in circles calming my anger filled stomach. I stood up and flushed the chain as i went to get a glass of water Kacchan said.

"What happened you kept saying ,Wait Kacchan....no, i'm worried about you cinnamon roll." he said that knowing i would show a small smile.

"It was nothing," I unconsciously stared at my wrapped up wrists," I miss it, spending all my time with you, I just want to say that in case anything happens. I just really like you." I immediately covered my mouth and walked to the sink to get a drink.

"W..wait what, you like me? but im all angry and scary, ya know grr." i spat my water out and he looked at me and faked being hurt causing me to giggle. I looked in the reflection and could have sworn that Kacchan blushed but no because no one would like me, im useless i dont even know why im taking a hero course.

I was snapped back into reality when i felt to arms wrap around me i looked in the mirror and Kacchan had rested his chin on my shoulder.

" I like you too, Nerd." 

buzz buzz

I looked down at my phone.

Auntie M

Hey Izu you dad just got put in hospital is it okay if i pick you up at 2 later on and tell Katsuki hes coming to xx


Oh what happened and hes here now but why is he in hospital is it because of you know what?

Auntie M

it came back im so sorry izu but he might not be so lucky this time

Tears spilt down my face, Kacchan wrapped his arms around me tighter making me know he was there for me. 

" What came back?"

"Before mom died dad got cancer but they treated him for it and they thought it was gone but it came back. What if he dies what happenes then i have no one to go home to." 

Kacchan had turned me around to give me a proper hug as i silently cried on his top. I don't know how long we were there but i had so much to do for if my dad died i dont know what would happen to me. Kacchan held me and let go to get his phone, he called his mom. Now what?

Deku's Lost voice (KiriDeku)Where stories live. Discover now