The end of the beginning.

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I felt a small bean move next to me i immediately knew Izuku was awake and knew he would have the worlds worst headache and most likely be sick cuz damn he drank a lot. I don't know who the heck let him drink this much thinking about it it was probably Shinso or Kaminari yeah it was either of those to sleep deprived idiots, Izuku turned over so he was facing me and BOY he looked pale.

"I feel sick..." ~ Izuku

Called it...

Deku pov

My head is pounding a wave of nausea come over me and i felt two warm arms around me, i turned over and felt his warm chest and i didn't want to move. 

Zuku open your eyes and say something goddammit 

A, I feel sick

there we go 

i said that out loud didn't i


i don't want to move

your gonna throw up on him and he will leave

fine im getting up bully

you love me really

 I sat up and walked halfway to the bathroom realised how much i needed to throw up and ran the rest of the way. Just like Kacchan did ages ago he came and rubbed my back as i sat in front of the toilet emptying my stomach of everything. Tears streamed down my face as it hurt so much i couldn't do anything to stop it, i felt so sick.

 "Just let it out." His soothing words made me feel like i wasn't alone, "Why don't we spend the day watching films?"

"Yea- brrrghhhh." I tried to speak, but yet again i failed to finish a word. "Did i do anything stupid last night?"

"No other than get absolutely pissed and death stare Kat." He looked like there was more on his mind but i decided no to push it for he might shout at me like Kacchan did, "Do you have any idea who let you get that drunk last night i literally left you for 10 minuets to talk to Mina."

"No although i remember yellow so probably Kami."

"Not a surprise there im guessing you had one of his special brownies too?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry i didn't know he just passed me stuff." I started crying i didn't realise i was that drunk or even high i feel so bad.

"It's not your fault c'mon you can hug me now you've stopped throwing up," I chuckled and dug my head in his shoulder, "I think Mina is doing a Quiet truth or dare wanna go and join once we've cleared up?"

"Yeah but all my stuff needs washing."

"Wear some of mine in fact you wait here and i'll grab you something to wear you can have a shower if you want there is towels in the cupboard in the corner. I will put your clothes just inside the door so you can get changed when your ready."

"I'll go it now, I'm sorry for getting drunk again."

"Izu it's all good as long as your okay now."

I hopped in the shower and it felt so nice feeling the warm water on my back i felt the need to sing as usual.

"What a strange being you are

God knows where I would be if you hadn't found me
Sitting all alone in the dark
A dumb screenshot of youth
Watch how a cold broken teen will desperately lean
Upon a superglued human of proofWhat the hell would I be without you? (What the hell would I be?)
Brave face, talk so lightly, hide the truth (Hide the truth)'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates
So where do we begin?
I can finally see you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?
Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates
Won't be alone again
I can finally see you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?We will grow old as friends
I've promised that before, so what's one more in our grey-haired circle, waiting for the end?
Time and hearts will wear us thin
So which path will you take, 'cause we both know a break does exactly what it says on the tinWhat the hell would I be without you? (What the hell would I be?)
Brave face, talk so lightly, hide the truth (Hide the truth)'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates
So where do we begin?
I can finally see you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?
Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates
Won't be alone again
I can finally see you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?I won't take no for an answer (I won't take no for an answer)
I won't take no for an answer (I won't take no for an answer)
I won't take no (I won't take no)
No, I won't take no (I won't take no)'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates
So where do we begin?
I can finally see you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?
Yeah, I'm sick of losing soulmates
Won't be alone again
I can finally see you're as fucked up as me
So how do we win?"

I already knew that Kiri had heard for i was a loud singer when i wanted to be and this was one of those times the clothes were already on the floor so i got changed into them. I knew as soon as i saw red that it was Kiris favrioute crimson riot hoodie and a pair of black shorts. I have to admit i looked cute as frig, As i opened the door a small gasp escaped Kiris lips and wow he reacted better than i thought he was going to. We made our way to the common area and there sat everyone most of them except Mina, Momo and Iida looked absolutely hammered and im sure Mina only doesn't because she's always drunk.

she is actually sober 

wait what

i know shes almost always smokin weed or dinking vodka

thanks for the info

We havent done a truth or dare since i found out Kacchan cheated on me but i know Kiri is too Innocent to even think about it he is the best thing i could ever ask for. We sat down and i almsot automatically layed down on Kiris chest, i soon felt a hand run its self through my hair and i fell in love with the feeling.

Mina span the bottle, Me, "Truth."    .       .       .      . "Have you lost your virginity yet?" .      .      .      . "No."

I span the bottle, Kacchan, "Truth."      .      .      .      ."Who did you cheat on me with?" .      .      .      ."Todoroki."

He span the bottle, Kiri, "Dare.".      .      .      ."I dare you to make out with Deku." .   .   . . . . . . . . . .. "I though this was supposed to be a dare you know something i didn't want to do but hey i'm not complaining." 

He said just before starting the make out session, we both heard the sound of pictures being taken and videos starting to record but neither of us broke apart until a shoe was thrown at us.

"I said make out not fuck."

"Why don't you go fuck Todoroki or are you cheating on him too." Anyone who was still recording was gasping for the fact i swore, "Maybe stop then people will start to fucking like you." I threw the shoe back accidentally using one for all and the shoe his him right in the middle of his face, he ended up with a broken nose and a shoe print plastered on his face.

Kiri span the bottle and it landed on Todoroki of corse it did, "Truth."

"When did Kacchan cheat on Zuku?"

"A couple days after the started dating."

"You fucking whore." I said knowing if one more thing was exposed i would throw some shit at him, "Katsuki can i talk to you. NOW."

Mina was still recording and i know for a fact that she would send Hagakure to film it but i didn't care at this point.

"Why the hell did you cheat on me."

"Because your a wimp you wouldn't let me do anything with you."

"You hit me, cut me, bruised me and much more that Kiri doesnt know about and you expect me to be fine with you."

"Deku its not like that-"

"Yes it is you are a selfish jerk that cant keep his dick in his pants i really do hope you rot in hell, thanks to you ive been suffering from Anxiety attacks i've been cutting because i knew i wasnt good enough for you. The fact i found out from a game of truth and dare shows how much of an asshole you are."

"Your pissing  me of you shitty Deku."

"I'm pissing you off? Ha Ha what are you gonna do hit me? or do you want another foot print on you maybe on you non existant balls so people will know how much of a moron you are. I grew up with you, you probably know me best out of everyone here so shut your stupid mouth for one time in you goddamn life and sit down Katsuki."

"Thats it."

He hit me my face stung from it but i had had enough again i beat him up the same way i did when we last "talked" he never learns.

"Rot in hell bastard also im telling your mum." i Looked up to see a floating phone. "Hey Hagakure send me that i'm sure his mum would just LOVE to see this."

"Please don't."

"Too late jackass." 

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