What did they do to you?

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deku pov

Kacchan was just walking, holding me, keeping me stable he had always liked to help people but he was too stubborn to. I knew he was relived to see me he had a small smile but i knew i was on his mind. We soon got back to UA and made our way to recovery girl, Kacchan had barely said a word the whole way here, he pulled out his phone and started typing.

Hello Izuku.

what the fuck. I looked around and no one had said a word i then realised it was in my head.

Umm hello?

ahh about time we spoke

who are you?

im Akihiko 

How are you talking to me?

It's my quirk i can control smaller movements in you too

are you trying to cause me harm?

no im a friend.

I looked up and Kacchan is staring at me confused on what i was doing, apparently he was confused on why i looked like i was having a conversation and i wasn't moving my mouth. 

L a t e r   o n   a k a   a   t  i m e   s k i p

We were all sat around the TV watching some lame show I was currently on crutches jut to be on the safe side so i got up trying not to disturb anyone, my stomach growled at me so i went to the kitchen trying to find something to eat. I entered the kitchen to find A tub of Katsudon with my name on it, i hoped it was Kacchan but at this point he had said few words to me so i doubt he would make a meal for me.

"Hey Midoryia."

"Hey Todoroki."

"Are you and Bakugou still together."

"Yeah but he's barely said anything to me."

"He beat me up you know, for the burn, and i also wanted to apologise for it i feel terrible."


Shut up haha

"It's alright-"

"No it's not, Icy-Hot stop trying to get with him jerk, and Deku i need to talk to you."

So this is the famous Bakugou

shut it 

I followed him with my Katsudon worried about what he might say, we managed to get to his room before i asked what he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry i was just so mad that you were kissing that fucking blonde bitch and she was on your lap. Just let me finish, i really like you and I was just confused."

i put down my food and grabbed his oversized hands.

"I was forced to she said i would never see you again and that you would get hurt if i didn't cooperate, i didn't kiss her back and i was tied to a chair i tried to get her off but i couldn't."

omg is that really what happened?

not right now kinda in the middle of something

right. sorry.

"We good now?"

"Yes although can we please write another song I was spammed with messages on the insta page and they want anew song. Also i really like your songs."

"Only if you help me. Normally i pace when i write them but seen as im on crutches i can't do both."

"I would love to."

He leant down and gave me a craved kiss, i wanted to do this without any interruption for the rest of the night. As he pulled away, reluctantly, he asked.

"What did they do to you?"

i lifted my shirt to reveal small carved drawings and burn marks. 

Dang bro

again not the time

im sorry

Bakugou pov

With the marks im guessing it was Dabi and Toga but the marks seemed to be healing which was good but thy shouldn't be there in the first place. He sat on my bed and just ate the Katsudon i made him earlier he looked rather happy but the he did when he self harmed so i don't know whether he actually is happy. It's my fault really i told him to kill himself on many occasions in high school i bullied him to but now i regret every second of it he went through so much already and i just added to it.

After eating the cuddling he decided it was time to go to bed, i offered my room but he insisted he go back to his.

"Make sure everything is locked."

"Yes Dad."

I blushed as he left the room idiot.

I had a suprise for Deku in the morning see as it was sunday tommorow we had the whole day off.

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