Chapter 2 A Letter Home

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Dear: Dad how are things back home? the fighting here is getting worse. Richard has been badly wounded and Dirty Steve was wounded today. Doc Scorlock was shot in the hand and Chavez is trying to keep us together but there has been times that I have seen Chavez break down and cry. I tell you dad sometimes I don't think we are going to make it out of this range war alive. I know that I have to be strong for Chavez and the others. my birthday is coming up and I will be 17 years old on my birthday the 23rd of November. I never thought that I would celebrate my birthday fighting the Lincoln County War. I have been shot and I am sick and running a very bad fever. but I can't rest and I can't give up I have to keep fighting and stay on the run. because we are no longer deputies we are now being hunted by the law such as it is and we are also being hunted by John Kenny and Murphy's men and we are even being hunted by the army from Fort Stanton. but don't worry about me I will be alright. and I home to come home very soon.

your adopted son Billy Bonney

Hey y'all  here is a new story. Please bare with me.

Being caught by Pat Garrett

Chapter one: my being caught by Pat Garrett and rescued.

I  was caught by one morning I taken before the judge and I was  to be hanged. I kept in jail at the Lincoln county courthouse. Pat and Deputy Bell treated me good. But Bob Ollinger hates me and he  enjoys bullying me and threatening to kill me. I don't like bullies I will remember what Ollinger is doing to me. One night as I lay on my cot trying to sleep I heard my friend outside I went to the window and looked out the window my friend said that they were there to break me out of jail. My friend's name is outlaw Starr she I told my to stand back. I backed up against the wall. My friend put a rope around the bars and pulled them out and I ran out of the Lincoln county courthouse and into hiding so Pat wouldn't find me. But I keep having a nightmare the same nightmare night after night. In the nightmare I am laying on my back and there are boards under my back and my boots and there is darkness all around me. They call it a death dream.

I will write more later. Ride safe y'all

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