Chapter 11 I miss you Mr. Tunstall

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I sit alone in my living room with my wolf Lobo curled up at my feet. I look out the window and thinking of my boss and friend and father to me Mr. John Tunstall. the times with him was safe and fun sure we worked hard for him too. but he was trying to insure that we all had a chance at a better life. but sadly those times had came to a very sad end and I miss Mr. Tunstall so much. I wonder what he would say if he could see me now. I know there for a while I had let him down. and I am sad inside for doing that but I have got out of the outlaw life. I now have my own ranch I hope that Mr. Tunstall is proud of me. a single tear falls a sad remembrance of the day that Mr. Tunstall was killed right before my young eyes. and that day I made a promise to Mr. Tunstall that I would not stop until his killers had faced justice. I go and visit his grave and clean off his grave Doc always says a forgotten grave is a shameful thing. this may sound crazy I talk to Mr. Tunstall I know that he can't not answer me. I know that he is with Jesus but that doesn't stop me from missing him so much. I hope to see you again one day Mr. Tunstall if the god lord is willing.

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