It all comes down to this (pt 3)

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"The winner of this female solo round is..." The announcer started as I waited nervously, alongside Nancy; I could see the eagerness on my teammates' faces and I could see the excitement on my family's, Riley's, Michelle's and Emily's faces, but I probably looked constipated due to all of my building nerves.

"Nancy from The Next Sunderland Royal Dance Academy!"

My jaw dropped wide open in disbelief and shock, as my eyes began to sting with unshed tears.

I couldn't believe it.

I really wasn't good enough.

My worst fears were confirmed, when I saw the shock and confusion on my team's faces- this wasn't a dream.

I lost the round and now we're going home...

Piper's POV:

I was speechless.

I felt a single tear slide down my face as I glanced at the girl next to me, who was gleaming with joy. She looked like she almost... expected to win. I mean confidence is one thing but this girl looked like she knew without a doubt that she was going to win. 


I couldn't focus on that as I nervously looked into the audience. People were looking at me with sympathy and Emily, Michelle, Riley and James were looking at me with sad smiles. At least they weren't mad at me. 

I slowly glanced at A troupe, scared for their reaction the most, but they were also looking at me with sad smiles which made me try to give them one back but I think it just looked like a painful grimace.

Chuck Anderson was still talking about something to do with this Nancy girl but I was just deep in my own thoughts. 

"Hey, if it makes you feel better, your solo killed!" Nancy said from next to me, with a kind smile. "I'm sorry that you lost but I had to make sure that I won this round." She said, casually. "What... what do you mean?" I asked her gingerly. 

"Listen, I've gotta go, but meet me by the cafeteria in like 10 minutes and I'll explain it to you." She replied, backing away from me, about to go to her team. 

I hesitantly nodded and turned back to the audience to meet James' eye. He gestured to the door, near the audience, silently asking me if I wanted him to comfort me but I shook my head gently, more tears threatening to fall. 

Riley looked at my glistening eyes and her face contorted into one full of anger; she stood up abruptly as I looked at her with a confused face. 

"IT'S RIGGED! (Thank you iiPinnTNS for that!)  HOW COULD SHE HAVE LOST?! PIPER CLEARLY DESERVED TO WIN, THIS IS BULLSHI-" She screamed, defending me as I smiled and shook my head gently at her crazy antics. 

Emily got up instantly and grabbed onto her sister's hand, interrupting her.

"SORRY EVERYONE! I AGREE WITH HER BUT I THINK IT'S THE PREGNANCY, IT REALLY MESSED UP HER HORMONES!" She yelled to the amused audience before dragging Riley out, the two of them bickering- even though it was mostly Emily telling her younger sister off. 

I trudged off the stage to see A troupe with all of their arms open wide. That was the last straw as I burst into tears and ran into Finn's arms as A troupe crowded around us. 

"Pipes, don't cry."

"It's okay."

"You did your best."

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