No Means No!

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Why does this always happen to me?! Especially when things were going great!

When all I got was an apologetic smile, I repeated my question, "What are you doing here?!"

I was seriously losing my patience. Irritated, he rolled his eyes. The audacity!

"Elliot..." I said in a warning tone. The last time I spoke to this guy, he insulted my dance captaincy, I had never felt so inadequate and worthless in my life! Okay that's a lie. I did feel that way when Josh rejected me, when Finn went out with Amy- anyways!

I was glaring at Elliot, as he looked at me with annoyance. "The only reason I'm here is because Josh wants you back.  He said you even blocked him on all social media, so he couldn't reach out." He spoke.

Stunned, I stepped back, "Since when are you and Josh so close, last time I checked you only cared about yourself!" I retorted. He sheepishly looked at me while rubbing the back of his neck. "He.. he promised to help.. get... me Richelle back.." He said quietly.

Honestly, the nerves of these people.

So what, me and Richelle were supposed to wait around for these guys until they wanted to be with us?! "If he wants to talk to me, then tell the coward to come speak to me himself." I shot back, I really didn't know where this newfound confidence was coming from but I couldn't let Josh break me again.

Rolling his eyes, Elliot left, as I sipped on my smoothie preparing myself for when Josh was going to come in. I haven't seen ever since we shot the regionals qualifier video. "Hey Pipes, long time no see!" I heard his voice say.

I'd love to keep it that way!

"Hello Josh, and it's Piper not Pipes!" I said mockingly. He looked taken aback, slightly, which was great for me.

"Okay, I'll get straight to the point. I like you Piper, I'm sorry that I didn't realise it earlier. We are perfect for each other. And I also think that we should get together. My family moved quite far away from here so, I think you should move in with me, y'know as boyfriends and girlfriends would. I promise I'll find you a dance studio better than the next step too, but what really matters is that we can finally be together!" He gushed.

I stared at him with my eyes wide open, matching my mouth. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Tiana, Amy and Summer standing at the entrance of the next steep from TNS, and by the looks on their faces, they must've heard what Josh just said. There weren't many people here anyways, so it wasn't too noisy.

If I wasn't so horrified, I would've laughed, someone should write this down and make a movie from it! Story of my life at the moment!

"No." I said simply. Shocked, he asked, "What? What are you talking about?". "I said no, as in no." Honestly, I don't think I can dumb it down any more for this guy!

"Piper, you don't mean that! We belong together. I get you were heart broken when I left and I'm sorry, but I'm here, so you should be happy!" He said, angrily, taking a step back and composing himself from the rage inside him.

Heartbroken? Heartbroken?! What the- I know that I was super upset, but that was because i had just gotten rejected and that had never happened to me before! Not because of him!

"No means no!" I retaliated, getting annoyed. He opened his mouth to object but I wasn't done yet. " Geez what is wrong with you?! Get it through your head that No. Means. No! And also, I for one, was NOT heartbroken, in fact I was glad when you left. You rejected me and not the other way 'round. You couldn't have expected me to wait around for you for like 3 years, and run willingly into your arms!" I yelled.

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